Court Reverses Ruling in 75-Year-Old Post-Holocaust Controversy

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An Israeli court recently reversed the ruling over a post-Holocaust controversy that simmered for 75 years.

The story begins in the 1930s, when Y., a Polish Jew, bought land and deposited money in Eretz Yisroel with the intention of moving there.

In 1953, heirs of Y.’s wife, B., presented testimony that Y. was killed in January 1942, while B. only died in April 1943. This proved that the assets belonged to B.’s relatives and not to Y.’s.

In 2006, the Knesset set up a company to locate Holocaust assets. The new body located property of Y. in Bnei Brak estimated to be worth up to $2.4 million and found archival information that contradicted the information presented to the court in 1953.

Y.’s family also found formerly unavailable documents in the Polish archives indicating that B. was killed in 1942, while Y. lived on for two more years.

The Tel Aviv Family Court voided the 1953 probate and transferred the Bnei Brak asset to the husband’s family after 75 years.



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