COVID ‘Delta’ Variant Mutating In 80 Countries, Including US

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The “Delta” variant of the COVID-19 virus is mutating and now in more than 80 countries, including the United States, the World Health Organization reported.

Listed as a “Variant of Concern’” in late May, the mutant strain is believed to have come from India and has since spread to at least 80 other countries.

According to the WHO, a “variant of Concern” means that the strain can “increase transmission or increase its virulence or decrease the effectiveness of public health and social measures, available diagnostics, and therapeutics.”

The Delta strain is just one of 11 mutations identified by the WHO, seven of which, are not currently considered as dangerous, according to the organization.

On Wednesday, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention also listed the Delta variant as a “Variant of Concern.”

Read more at NEWSMAX.



    • Why do totally uneducated people continue to comment on topics about which they know virtually nothing.
      Would you be dumb enough to state your “opinion” on Maase Merkovo, or venture to pasken hilchos yibum?
      Is there really a difference between those options? When one is ignorant, he should keep his lack of knowledge to himself.

      • I agree. We must put those diapers back over our face, at least for the next 8000 years. Any person that leaves his home without a mask on is mamesh a rodef & rotziach. We must maaser on him to the authorities. Any Rav that opens his Shul to the public and doesn’t enforce social distancing should be arrested. We’ve caused enough aiva already.

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