COVID Infections Among Israeli Children Up Nearly 50%

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Coronavirus infections among Israeli children went up from 3,636 to 5,297 over the past 10 days, the Health Ministry reported on Sunday, marking a surge of nearly 50, Ynet reports. According to data released by the ministry, 351 children tested positive for coronavirus on Saturday alone, with the infection rate among Israelis under the age of 18 standing at 2.2% — higher than the national average.

Despite the rise in cases, the pediatric vaccination campaign has yet to pick up steam. Data shows that only 15.6% of children aged 5-11 have had at least one dose. For comparison, 61% and 78% of the 12-15 and 16-18 age groups, respectively, have received both shots.

{ Israel}


    • Many young children died after being vaccinated. Just yesterday a 3 year old died from a heart attack a week after she was vaccinated. All over the net you can read about many heart attacks in young kids after they were vaccinated which msm is covering up. While Google censors this stuff, you’ll find loads of them using Duckduck.go search engine.

  1. Is this good news? Bad News or an attempt at fear mongering?
    According to news reports “In the past week, almost 10,000 new cases have been reported, marking an 81% increase from the previous week.” But kids only had a 50% increase. Also REMEMBER COVID IS NOT DANGEROUS FOR KIDS ( At least not as dangerous as Flu, Cars, and Swimming pools.)

    • It’s not fear mongering. It’s unfortunately true. This year’s ‘covid’ and its variants are the outcome from the vaccine. Hence, there are 50% increase in children who didn’t have covid last year.

        The more people get covid as children the more they’ll have immunity as they grow older.
        Read the article it says there has been a 50% increase since last week not last year. Children are much lass vaccinated and still the increase is LESS for children the for the entire population! They don’t need the vaccines.

        • The covid hoax is not like measles where children get lifetime immunity if they get it.
          You write: “They don’t need the vaccines.” It IS from the vaccine. Last year they did not have it. They only started getting it AFTER they were vaccinated. This covid they got causes sterility, heart attacks, blood clots and death.

  2. Get these kiddies vaccinated at once, and right now stop this horrendous Procrastination A.K.A. mañana foolishness or more accurately child neglect
    As for this wise Father who vaccinated his children against his [estranged] wife’s wishes, may השם bestow upon this caring Father & his children an abundance of ברכה ונחת

  3. Israel is one of the strictest countries regarding Covid. At the rate they’re going they might be following News Zealand who okays euthanasia for COVID patient.s (

  4. COVID Infections Among Israeli Children Up Nearly 50% AFTER THEY WERE VACCINATED which is what finally got the residence of Ra’ananah in a massive protest.

  5. Israel is making a tremendous chillul Hashem with their vaccination of children. Then they wonder why there’s so much anti-semitism and anti-Zionism.


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