Crisis: Insufficient Land For Kevorim in Eretz Yisroel

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MK Uri Maklev is demanding to know what Israel is doing to alleviate the lack of kevorim.

Minister of Religious Affairs Matan Kahana replied that no strategic plans for field burials have existed for years. Therefore, although every Israeli is theoretically entitled to a free plot, since there is not enough land, whoever objects to multi-story cemeteries has to pay from his own pocket.

Maklev retorted that no minister of religious affairs had the right to say, “Field burial is an ‘extra’ that needs to be paid for,” noting that field burial is the minhag of masses of Jews in accordance with halacha.

{ Israel}


  1. Major sign that Moshiach is arriving imminently. There will be no more death and no need to worry about a kevorim shortage. Hashem will end death forever and bring techiyas hameisim, as written all about tanach.

  2. Minister of Religious Affairs Matan Kahana replied that no strategic plans for field burials have existed for years. Therefore, although every Israeli is theoretically entitled to a free plot, since there is not enough land, whoever objects to multi-story cemeteries has to pay from his own pocket.

    Matan is a wicked man. Always starting up with the Aibishter.


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