CUCKOO: John Kerry: People May ‘Feel Better’ About Russia if It Works Harder to ‘Reduce Emissions’

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John Kerry, the former senator, previous Democratic presidential nominee, and current Special Presidential Envoy for Climate (SPEC) under President Joe Biden, stated on Tuesday, people around the world might “feel better” about the Russian government if it invests as much effort into fighting climate change as it puts into fighting Ukraine.

Kerry made this statement during a press conference held in Washington, D.C., on Tuesday, the day before his transition from his role as SPEC to joining Biden’s reelection campaign.

In response to a question from a Russian journalist regarding the impact of U.S.-Russia relations on climate cooperation, Kerry emphasized, “No, I don’t. Because I believe that Russia has the ability to be able to make enormous changes if it really wanted to.”

Kerry stressed the importance of collective efforts in addressing climate change, stating, “But we need every country, including Russia – Russia’s one [of] the largest emitters in the world.”

Interpretations of Kerry’s remarks varied widely, with some perceiving his statement as suggesting a prioritization of climate action over geopolitical conflicts, while others construed it as a critique of Russia’s actions in the context of its climate responsibilities.

Kerry’s history of linking climate change discussions with geopolitical events, such as the conflict in Ukraine, has drawn scrutiny in the past. His remarks during a July 2023 MSNBC interview, where he highlighted the environmental consequences of military activities, exemplify this pattern.

Critics have pointed out Kerry’s tendency to intertwine climate discourse with geopolitical tensions, citing instances where he urged consideration of climate effects during armed conflicts and expressed frustration at perceived obstacles to climate action posed by adversarial governments.

Analysts have viewed Kerry’s statements not as isolated incidents but indicative of broader policy priorities within the Biden administration, particularly its emphasis on climate action and its implications for energy security and international relations.

Despite Kerry’s longstanding advocacy for climate action, his recent remarks have elicited widespread criticism and incredulity, with many questioning the appropriateness and coherence of his statements.

The New York Post collected some choice reactions from social media, including users who called Kerry a “raving lunatic” and a “climate clown” spewing “insane gibberish.”

“I had to listen to this three times to make sure Kerry really said this. And he did. Embarrassing beyond words, and quite frankly, utterly offensive!” said Arsen Ostrovsky, CEO of the International Legal Forum.



    • The emissions from his mouth was reduced a few years ago but you can’t expect fake news to tell you so.

  1. raving lunatic” and a “climate clown” spewing “insane gibberish
    He was always a baal kerri
    And always on israels side

  2. Sure…
    Keep your unnecessary land grab war ongoing, keep on pillaging zoos and murdering random civilians.
    Keep shooting missiles at power infrastructure and putting explosives on nuclear reactors.
    Keep shipping the children off the civilians you murdered to the Russian heartland to be adopted by the mothers of your soldiers who were killed in action.
    Keep threatening to use nuclear weapons in Europe.
    Just commit to reducing carbon emissions and good old John Kerry will get grandpa Joe back on your side.
    Or better yet, announce the cuts you already made to to oil production due to sanctions are now all about saving the environment and John Kerry will get those sanction lifted more than four wheel drive at the state fair.

  3. A real lesson to think before we speak. If you keep your mouth shut, people may think you’re stupid but if you open it and speak, then they will know for sure that you are stupid

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