Davening Alone With Joy

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From Rabbi Yochanan Rivkin in New Orleans:

In light of everything that is being cancelled, including the prayers at Congregation Anshe Sfard of New Orleans, I want to share a Chasidic story.

The two brothers, the famed Rabbi Elimelech of Lizensk and Rabbi Zushe of Anipoli, often wandered about together, posing as simple beggars. They would mingle with the masses, listening, teaching, speaking, helping and guiding whomever and whenever they could.

Once, while they were traveling with a group of vagabonds, members of the group were accused of being thieves, resulting in the entire bunch being thrown into jail. Confident of their innocence and eventual release, the two brothers sat quietly. As the afternoon progressed, Rabbi Elimelech stood up to prepare himself to pray the afternoon service.
“What are you doing?” his brother asked.

“I’m getting ready for minchah,” replied Rabbi Elimelech.

Rabbi Zushe pointed at the pail in the corner of the room. “It is forbidden,” he said, “to pray in this cell, because the odor coming from that pail makes the room unfit for prayer.”
Dejected, the holy Rabbi Elimelech sat down.

Soon after, Rabbi Elimelech began to cry. “Why are you crying?” said Rabbi Zushe. “Is it because you are unable to pray?” Reb Elimelech answered affirmatively.

“But why weep?” continued Rabbi Zushe. “Don’t you know that the same G-d who commanded you to pray, also commanded you not to pray when the room is unfit for prayer? Be happy that G-d has afforded you the opportunity to obey His law at this time, no matter what it is.”

“You are right, my brother!” exclaimed Rabbi Elimelech, suddenly smiling. The feelings of dejection banished from his heart and mind, Rabbi Elimelech took his brother’s arm and began to dance from joy as a result of performing the mitzvah of not praying in an inappropriate place.

The guards heard the commotion and came running. Witnessing the two brothers dancing, the guards asked the other prisoners what had happened. “We have no idea!” they answered, mystified. “Those two Jews were discussing the pail in the corner, when all of a sudden they came to some happy conclusion and began to dance.”

“Is that right?” sneered the guards. “They’re happy because of the pail, are they? We’ll show them!”

They promptly removed the pail from the cell!

*    *    *    *
As Jews, we need to know that refraining from a Jewish practice such as attending synagogue because of a danger to life and health is as much a mitzvah as engaging in those practices under normal circumstances. We need to joyously thank G-d for allowing us to fulfill his Holy Will, whatever it is. And, perhaps, in merit of that joy, He might just take the pail away…


  1. Wow ! That was brilliant ! Thanks a lot Rabbi Rivkin ! That was a real chizuk as I was getting saddened by having to forgo my minyan and having to daven at home in these difficult times.

  2. President Trump is eradicating the people who brought all the tumah to the world, while the streets, etc. worldwide are being cleansed from defilement.

  3. i once heard that they asked rav shwabb, in his older years, when he wasnt able to give a shiur, how he manages, without giving the shiur. so he said “the same bashefer who wanted me to give a shiur, now wants me not to give a shiur.

  4. today in Eretz Yisroel was the 1st day i did not escort my 90 year old Uncle to a Vatikin Minyan but rather stayed at home and Davened in front of the kosel happy that i was doing the right thing in the eyes of Hashem

  5. Reb Rivkin is a shliach of the Lubavitcher Rebbeh in Louisiana.

    What nachas for the Rebbeh that his shliach is featured at this website.


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