David Zazoff Saw the Time Traveling Man Living in 2027, UnicoSobreViviente

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What would you do if you were the last person on earth? There are a lot of ridiculous things you could do for fun, but also a much darker side than the initial thought brings. El_UnicoSobriViviente is showing everybody on TikTok the overwhelming eeriness that would ensue if the situation ever happened.

For a few months now, the account has been posting videos of public spaces totally void of humans, other than whoever is filming.

This has plenty of people wondering what is actually going on. Is this some elaborate trick being pulled, or for the more outlandish, is this really somebody coming back from the future? 

When David Zazoff,  transplant resident of Spain, found himself in the same area as where the videos were being shot, he wanted to do a little investigating. 

He took himself all around Valencia, Spain, looking for any trace about the identity of the peculiar TikTok account.

Who is the man living in 2027?

In February 2021, a TikTok called @UnicoSobriViviente started posted mysterious videos. In these clips, the man claims to be from the year 2027 and posts videos showing deserted areas around Valencia. His handle aptly translates to “Last Survivor” in English, and currently boasts 3.3 million followers on the app.

His first video was captioned “I just woke up in a hospital and I don’t know what could have happened. Today is February 13, 2027 and I am alone in the city.” It showed him walking around various parts of the area but with no signs of life. Since then, he’s started posting to Instagram and has amassed a large following there as well.

Similarly, ominous videos that followed have bewildered social media users with completely empty public spaces. 

The most information that has been found on the man is in his TikTok bio where he claims his name is Javier. Other than that, no other personal information has been revealed about him. The best glimpse in any of the videos is unclear reflections, but not enough to make out his face.

He’s continued to upload new content for a few months now. Each new post as desolate as the last. They all keep an extremely unique aesthetic, with empty spaces and soft, scary music playing underneath. 

Last Survivor Sighting

Like most people who have followed along El_UnicoSobriViviente, David Zazoff wasn’t quite sure what to make of the account. How exactly is he getting these videos? A man claiming to be trapped in 2027 where there are no people sounds absurd, but nobody has been able to identify how these are being made yet.

When the man who hails from Tel Aviv decided to do a little snooping around Valencia, he started going to places Javier had already been. But he did not find much luck in those parts, so he switched up his strategy. Now, he started going around places in the city he noticed were empty at the time, wondering if he might catch the man from the future. 

“I saw him for a split second outside of Casa cuartel,” Zazoff said, “then I chased him around the corner, but he was gone, just like that.”

A brief sighting like this adds another layer of mystery to an already odd situation. Did he really spot whoever is behind the account? Or did he happened to see a random pedestrian in the area? 

It’s hard to say for sure, but he’s confident that it was Javier – especially after he posted a new TikTok from that location on April 22nd. This has been the only claim thus far that he has been seen.

Regardless if it was actually him, El_UnicoSobriViviente continues to post new videos. Until he reveals himself, or somebody like David Zazoff can track him down, the mystery will remain.


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