De Blasio Decides Against Run for Congress

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Former New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio (D) announced he will not seek a House seat after considering a congressional run, The Hill reports.

“I’ve represented the neighborhoods of the 11th CD for years and I love the people who live here. It was gratifying to connect with community and elected leaders while I considered a run. I’m certain a progressive can win this seat and serve us in Washington,” De Blasio wrote in a tweet on Tuesday.

In his brief Twitter thread, De Blasio said he would instead focus on advocating for policies that will help drive down income inequality in the state. De Blasio concluded his term as New York City’s mayor last month, with Mayor Eric Adams (D) taking the reins in the new year.



  1. Wow. So DeBlasio turned down a run for President, Governor, and now Congress. Such a humble man. He wants to continue to fight with his every fiber of his being, for New Yorkers……………..from his living room in the all WHITE neighborhood of Park Slope.

  2. Hey DeeBee, you decided to run for president and got beaten so bad you have to be a dumber fool than anyone can imagine to try again. Besides, did you actually think you could travel from DC each day to your gym in Brooklyn and back to DC? You probably would even expect tax payer money would pay for it!

  3. The nincompoop spent more than enough time in politics, and it will take decades to undo all the harm caused by his leftist lunacy.
    If he still wishes to run, that should be done on a treadmill.


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