De Blasio Says He Won’t Veto NYC Bill Allowing Noncitizens to Vote

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The final barrier to a New York City bill that would allow noncitizens to vote in its local elections has been removed after Mayor Bill de Blasio, whose term ends on Jan. 1, said he would not veto the legislation if the city council votes it through before the end of the year, Politico reported today, Newsmax reports.

The passage of the bill next month is looking likely, as the council on Tuesday announced a supermajority of supporters for the bill set to be voted on Dec. 9.

The legislation would permit legal permanent residents or those legally authorized to work in the United States who have lived in New York City for at least 30 consecutive days — some 800,000 people — to vote in city elections, according to NY1. This would include elections for mayor, comptroller, public advocate, borough president, city council, and any city ballot initiative, although it would not affect state or federal elections.



    • As long as they register and vote Democrat so the socialist-communist pigs stay the course. Read Animal Farm one of these days and get the real scoop on today’s decisions.

  1. The New York City Council is thee most corrupt in the entire Nation. It’s been like that for quite some time already. The members from unzera community have done nothing to stop the tide unfortunately. I hope Eric Adams can right the ship and bring integrity to the Council which is allegedly supposedly represents us.


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