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TODAY, on the yahrtzeit of R’ Yonnason Ben Uziel who is buried in Amuka, is a day mesugal for shidduchim.

Ohel Sarala will be hosting a special Yom Tefillah at the home of Harav Chaim Kanievsky Shlit”a for all Ohel Sarala members.

At the same time, a minyan of 10 Ohel Sarala couples will be traveling to Amuka together with Harav Shraga Shteinman Shlit”a, son of Harav Ahron Leib Shteinman ZT”L,  and say a special tefillah for each Ohel Sarala member, that they should find their shidduch very soon.

Don’t miss this opportunity!

CLICK HERE now to sign up and be part of this tefillah.  

When Ohel Sarala was first started by Rabbi and Mrs. Ginzberg, their goal was to launch a positive chesed project in memory of their beloved daughter, Sarala.

Who could have imagined that we’d be here today celebrating an astonishing 1,000 shidduchim facilitated in just a few years by Ohel Sarala!

For those who don’t know, several years ago, Rabbi Shlomo Bochner, the founder of Bonei Olam, visited Rav Aharon Leib Shteinman, who said that there are two major tzaros facing Klal Yisroel that keep him up at night: older girls who have not yet found their shidduchim and couples struggling to have children. Rav Shteinman told Rabbi Bochner that these two tzaros are connected to each other, and that if singles would share in the pain of the childless couples and the childless couples would daven for the singles, they could each see a yeshuah. It was then that Rabbi and Mrs. Ginzberg started Ohel Sarala –and the rest is history!

With Ohel Sarala having reached its 1,000th shidduch, our goal now is to get another 1,000 girls to sign up to be part of this movement. Please click here to sign up now.

Ohel Sarala has seen 1,000 engagements, and we can see so many more with your participation!


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