DEATH WAIVER: Read The ‘Iron-Clad’ Death Waiver That Doomed Titanic Sub Tourists Signed

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The passengers who tragically boarded the ill-fated OceanGate Titan submersible, which suffered an implosion on its journey to the Titanic wreck, had signed a legally binding agreement that absolved the company of any liability for potential incidents, including death.

This three-page document explicitly outlines the risks associated with riding in the 23,000-pound Titan, using attention-grabbing language that emphasizes how the vessel “has not received approval or certification from any regulatory body” and may incorporate materials uncommonly used in human-occupied submersibles.


According to the US Coast Guard, which is leading the recovery efforts to retrieve debris from the Titan and investigate the cause of the implosion, the catastrophic event resulted in the instantaneous loss of all five passengers’ lives.

TMZ, the first to publish the document, reports that it states the signer assumes full responsibility for the potential risks of bodily harm, disability, death, and property damage resulting from the negligence of OceanGate during the operation.

To safeguard against liability, the company outlined a range of worst-case scenarios, including exposure to high-pressure gases, high-voltage electrical systems, and other hazards that could lead to disability, injury, or death.

Certain remnants of the Titan were discovered approximately 1,600 feet from the bow of the RMS Titanic. The exact cause of the implosion remains unknown, and the recovery process from a depth of 12,500 feet poses significant challenges and expenses.

Among those who perished aboard the submersible were OceanGate founder and pilot Stockton Rush, British billionaire explorer Hamish Harding, French Titanic expert Paul-Henri Nargeolet, Pakistani billionaire businessman Shahzada Dawood, and his 19-year-old son, Sulaiman.

The liability claim explicitly states that family members of deceased passengers are unable to pursue legal action against the company, stating, “As lawful consideration for being allowed to participate in the operation, and on behalf of myself, my heirs, assigns, personal representative, estate, and all members of my family, including minor children, I hereby release, waive, and forever discharge OceanGate Expeditions, Ltd….”

A TikTok video, which has since gone viral, provides a computer-generated re-enactment of what the “catastrophic implosion” might have looked like, showcasing the submersible curling in on itself within a split second, as experts speculate.


  1. I think I signed a similar acknowledgment of potential injury or death and waiving rights to sue when I went to an amusement park, had surgery, etc.

  2. This disclaimer does not disclaim undisclosed negligence.
    There certainly is an argument for that.
    It will depend on the venue, the publicly available evidence, and the discovery evidence to decide whether or not the victims families can successfully sue.

    The waiver catalyst is not ironclad (unless by ironclad you mean a warship that was posted a century ago, and then maybe)

  3. The CEO of the company that produced the Titan submarine said that he did NOT want to hire “50 year old white men” to design his submarine. Instead, he insisted on only hiring Politically Correct minorities to design the Titan submarine.

    • that lowlife, an over 50 white failure who descended from oil magnates and two signatories of united states founding paperwork, did not certainly hire any minority or women as it can be seen from all of his company group photos. It is however correct that he stated the above, and indeed he would fire anyone (over 50 or otherwise) who dared contradict him. One of the former employees was all over the press with his name, another spoke anonymously.

      Oh, and he also had a habit of harassing young people into deep-diving in his non-reusable can, you can look up, he traveled to las vegas attempting to convince Jay Bloom’s son (the son was the one who convinced his dad it was dangerous, because of the disturbing information publicly available), and also the youtuber who was supposed to go the previous week, and very sadly, the boy who lost his life. The aunt of Soliman Dawoud explained he was terrified to go.

      You are totally making up “he insisted on only hiring politically correct minorities to design the Titan submarine”.

  4. This entire submersible is full of holes.
    -CNN reported the submersible on its way to the Titanic wreckage site was found empty.
    -Zero Hedge reported the submersible was a distraction as the Biden bombshell hits the target.
    -James Cameron calls the prolonged search for the Titanic sub a ‘nightmarish charade’.
    -Larry Gaiters claims the sub was bombed killing them all instantly.

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