DeSantis Blasts Biden, Vows Florida Won’t Be ‘Biomedical Security State’

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Florida Republican Gov. Ron DeSantis ripped President Biden, accusing the White House of trying to implement a “biomedical security state” and warning that “I don’t want to hear a blip about COVID” until the administration’s border policy changes.

DeSantis was scheduled to deliver remarks on Florida’s economy at an event in Panama City, but instead unleashed a four-and-a-half-minute diatribe against the president, accusing him of trying to “single out” Florida over its rise in COVID-19 cases and hospitalizations.

“This is a guy who ran for president saying he was gonna ‘shut down the virus’. And what has he done?” DeSantis asked. “He’s imported more virus from around the world by having a wide-open southern border“.

“I can tell you, whatever variants are around the world, they’re coming across that southern border,” the governor added. “And so, he’s not shutting down the virus, he’s helping to facilitate it in our country.”

Read more at NY Post.



  1. The governor is posturing, only to secure the Republican nomination for the Presidency. While he is obviously not denying the reality that the number of new patients in Florida is much higher that in any other state, and that the fatalities are rising, those pesky facts simply cannot get in the way of the bigger picture – the man is aiming for the White House.
    Would YOU want to be ruled by a president to whom your life is meaningless, if it interferes with his ambitions?

    • 1:05, the REAL fact is that Florida’s covid fatalities are NOT any higher than the average of other states, and that is considering higher than average percentage of geriatric population in Florida. In fact, it’s the covid-nazi mask-vaccine-jawohl-herr-kommandant states like NY that have the highest covid fatality rates. From the facts above, the only logical conclusion is that the fascist lockdowns and mandatory RNA injections don’t prevent any covid fatalities on a large scale. Hence, you should stop displaying madness by trying the same thing with an expectation of a different result.

  2. killing his own citizens for partisan reasons.
    It is his Covid season.

    Republican anti-vaxxism offers a fascinating study of relationship between right-wing elites vs. rank-and-file. Elites first fomented anti-vax feeling for partisan purposes. They succeeded so well that they cannot/dare not now reverse. Elite leads; rank-and-file then constrain- david frum

    • No need for concern. Your diety is in power now, the great Joe Biden. The big evil racist murderer Trump has been marginalized. President Biden, being the natural leader that he is, has kept his promise and defeated the Coronavirus. Pulitzer prize coming.

  3. The vaccine is available, and reduce hospital risk from covid or serious illness,
    If people choose not to take it yes they are at risk of getting sick and should decide if they would like to lock them Self up for the rest of there life , but as a gov he’s 100% right for business as usual free America

  4. He encourages people to get vaccinated.

    He just doesn’t want to impose rules that should be up to “Freedom of choice”.


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