DeSantis: Kamala ‘Best Impeachment Insurance’ Biden Money Can Buy

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Rep. Lauren Boebert, a Republican from Colorado, spearheaded a vote to refer discussions about impeaching President Joe Biden to House committees. However, Republican Governor Ron DeSantis of Florida, who previously served in the House, understands the difficulties involved in moving forward with impeachment.

Impeaching Biden, who is 80 years old, and subsequently removing him after a Senate trial would be a challenging endeavor, especially considering the Democratic majority in the Senate. This scenario would raise concerns about the potential consequences of a Kamala Harris presidency since she serves as his vice president.

During a town hall event in North Augusta, South Carolina, on Thursday, DeSantis shared his perspective, stating that when Biden chose Harris as his vice president, many people questioned his decision due to her apparent issues. DeSantis also noted that he could comprehend why Biden made that choice, as Harris acts as the ultimate safeguard against impeachment. Regardless of Biden’s actions, the general sentiment is that no one desires Kamala Harris to assume the presidency.

According to legal expert Alan Dershowitz, impeachment has evolved into a political tool that undermines the voters’ will. In an interview with Newsmax, Dershowitz, who advocated for former President Donald Trump during the initial Senate impeachment trial, consistently expressed his disapproval of the Biden administration’s politically motivated pursuit to prevent Trump from running for office again.



  1. Upon learning that Ron DeSantis called Harris “the best impeachment insurance money can buy”, BMO Harris Bank released a statement saying that: “The Harris bank corporation is exclusively an investment bank and financial services company. We do not sell impeachment insurance, and we never have sold impeachment insurance. If Joe Biden has an impeachment insurance policy, he doesn’t have it with us, that’s for sure! Mr. DeSantis should have first researched our company before making such a ridiculous statement!”

  2. What a racist thing to say. Mrs. Emhoff is allegedly a black female. Her lovely husband is allegedly a white Jewish male.


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