DISGRACE: ‘Women of the Wall’ Read from Sefer Torah at the Kosel Today

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The so-called “Women of the Wall” redical feminist group gathered for their monthly Rosh Chodesh prayers this morning at the Kosel Hamaarovi.

The “minyan” of women was praised by radical Reform rabbi and Labor MK Gilad Kariv, who said that “The Women of the Wall constantly remind us that there is more than one way to be Jewish. They will continue to do so until the Western Wall agreement is actualized.”

A group people protested the women’s desecration of the Kosel. These included Religious Zionist Party MK Itamar Ben Gvir, who yelled to the women “not to desecrate the Kosel.”


{Matzav.com Israel}


  1. what is their point when they believe absolutely nothing that’s written in the Torah? their behavior is absurd, according to their own ‘religion’. they are fighting over something that is of no importance to them for the sole purpose of being able to say:gotcha!

  2. I wonder if the “woman” correcting her at the end, was telling her that it’s הכבש אחד and not הכבש האחד?

  3. Greatly. Greatly.

    Even Bennett refuses to grow family drive enough to sit near David’s throne. No wonder the ladies grieve race faces them.

    Yes we feel bad. Who is leading this brunch committee society? They really should daven with more care.


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