DISGUSTING: NYC Mayor Touts “Drag Storytellers” in Libraries, Public Schools

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New York City Mayor Eric Adams is touting a program that sends drag queens into libraries and public schools, Newsmax reports.

Adams made his comments on Twitter. He wrote on Thursday night: “Drag storytellers, and the libraries and schools that support them, are advancing a love of diversity, personal expression, and literacy that is core to what our city embraces”

And in another tweet, he added: “At a time when our LGBTQ+ communities are under increased attack across this country, we must use our education system to educate. The goal is not only for our children to be academically smart, but also emotionally intelligent.”

His remarks came after the New York Post reported taxpayers’ money was being used on a group that sends the drag queens into city schools and libraries. Drag Story Hour NYC earned $46,000 in May from city contracts to appear at public, schools, libraries and street festivals. Since 2018, the group — known initially as Drag Queen Story Hour NYC, before changing its name early this year — has been paid $207,000 in taxpayer cash. The newspaper said. The drag queens have appeared at 34 public elementary, middle and high schools since the beginning of the year.

“I am considering pulling funding to any school in my district that is implementing Drag Queen Story Hour,” said City Council member Vickie Paladino, a Republican from Queens. “We are taking hundreds of thousands of dollars out of the pockets of hardworking New York taxpayers … to fund a program teaching little children about their gender fluidity? Not. On. My. Watch.”

© 2022 Newsmax


  1. “Drag Story Hour NYC earned $46,000 in May from city contracts to appear at public, schools, libraries and street festivals. Since 2018, the group — known initially as Drag Queen Story Hour NYC, before changing its name early this year — has been paid $207,000 in taxpayer cash”

    Just like by the vaccines, the dumb stupid gullible taxpayers just put their head down in submission and follow every detail what their beloved government commands them. No one puts up a fight. No one says a word. The lgbtqxrzhy “community” is a minority of a minority of a minority in the overall numbers. They barely have any members. Yet the DNC controlled media constantly gives them free PR. The cancel culture woke Karen’s have their backs. The privileged white wealthy elitist pigs that live in their all white gated community ivory tower, lecture the poor peasantry of what they must tolerate and what will not be tolerated. Sheeple will remain sheeple. Goodbye America.

    • So that you know what we’re up against and what they’re going to try and push into our institutions if we don’t keep vigilant. Know your enemy is an important first rule in any battle, and battle it is…

    • To make sure that no frum yid votes for the democrat / Menuval party in November.
      Last week there was a news item that in san fransisco there were people who were protesting a menuval storytelling to children in a public library. They were being investigated as perpetrating a hate crime. SICK, SICK, SICK

    • “why is this necessary to report?”
      So that the IDIOTS who voted for this guy should learn from what happens when you vote for a DemocRAT.

    • To show the world how filthy the public libraries and public school have become in the last few years and make sure no children nor adults step foot in there.

  2. Yet the jews will continue to suck up to the socialist democrats. It is time to STOP! It isnt worth the price you are paying so they could get your moysed another buck or two. They continue to ruin the life in the county so STOP supporting them!

  3. From 1978 – 1989. the Mayor of New York City was a huge Rasha, Edward Irving Koch. Each year from when he first entered office, he tried very hard to get the City Council to pass into law a bill of (so-called) “equal rights” to Toeiva people. Each time the bill did not pass until the attempt in 1986, when, with a change of one of the City Council members and Koch’s extreme manipulations, very tragically, the bill did pass.

    (Incidentally, the passage of the evil bill occurred at the same time as the Histalkus, the Petira of THE two Gedolay HaDor, Rav Yaakov Kaminetsky, ZT’L, and Rav Moshe Feinstein, ZT’L.)

    In a telephone consultation I had shortly after that with Rav Avigdor Miller, ZT’L, Rav Miller exclaimed to me:

    “‘Yimach Shemo V’Zichro,’ that’s TOO NICE for Mayor Koch!!!!!!!!!!”

  4. The 1986 bill from Koch forced employers to hire Toeiva people and landowners to rent their apartments to Toeiva people. In the 36 years since then, the Toeiva issues have been massively increased and amplified countless thousands of times over to the point of THE MOST EXTREME WORST DEGREES OF TOEIVA, Rachmana Litzlan!!

    The evil (so-called) “story times” related here are just a TINY PART of what is occurring!!


    The current Mayor Adams is just one of countless excessively wicked operatives in the public educational system, the hard core Medical (so-called) “Establishment,” the (so-called) “Mainstream” Media, and the City and State and National Governments, at the helm of which is the illegitimate Biden Regime and its Deep State & Globalists promoters. Obviously, “Yimach Shemam V’Zichram” is, absolutely, way, way, way, way “too nice” for them. We must be Mispallel that they have immediate total downfall and complete annihilation, and that, instead, we will have Moshiach Tzidkeynu, Bimhayra B’Yamaynu!!

  5. Our job is be an Am yishkon levado. A nation that dwells alone. Adams and many others make it easier as there is nothing but extreme stupidity in the world today…that’s an understatement! STAY IN BEIS MEDRASH. YOU ARE MISSING NOTHING!!!


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