DOMESTIC TERROR: ALL HOSTAGES RELEASED: Armed Man Holds Hostages At Texas Synagogue Demands Release Of Convicted Terrorist Sister (Updated)

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The confrontation began during services at Congregation Beth Israel in this suburb of Fort Worth and Dallas, streamed on the synagogue’s Facebook page for practitioners to tune in from their homes. Police were called about 11 a.m. after a man captured four people, including the rabbi, said the law enforcement official, who spoke on the condition of anonymity to discuss the ongoing investigation. One man was released uninjured shortly after 5 p.m.

The law enforcement official said the man’s motive for taking hostages appears to be his anger over the U.S. imprisonment of Aafia Siddiqui, a terrorism suspect now serving a lengthy sentence for trying to kill U.S. soldiers.

In the Facebook live stream of the Reform Shabbos service, which has since been taken down, a man seemed to be speaking on the phone off-camera, sometimes shouting, sounding increasingly stressed. He said he wanted to speak with his “sister,” seemingly referring to Siddiqui with an expression of solidarity. The hostage-taker is not the brother of Siddiqui, according to two people familiar with the family.

Minutes before the live stream cut off, the man could be heard talking on the phone, sharing chilling words to whomever he was speaking with: “Don’t cry about me. I’m going to die.”

President Joe Biden was briefed and will continue to be updated, White House press secretary Jen Psaki said. The White House’s national security team remains in touch with federal law enforcement. The U.S. ambassador to Israel and Israeli Prime Minister Naftali Bennett said they were monitoring the developments.

Rep. Beth Van Duyne, R-Texas, whose district includes Colleyville, said she was “shocked” by the news. The congresswoman said she is in contact with the mayor and chief of police, as well as Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas.

“It’s optimistic that the one hostage was released. That’s a positive step,” she said. “Our focus is getting the remaining hostages home safe.”

Police said on Twitter that they were “conducting SWAT operations” and asked people to avoid the area this afternoon. The FBI, the city of Colleyville and the police department did not immediately respond to requests for comment this afternoon. The Texas Department of Public Safety confirmed that the agency had responded to the scene, directing further questions to the FBI.

It is unknown how many people were in the synagogue.

Police blocked off streets leading to the synagogue Shabbos afternoon. Journalists and bystanders had huddled at the parking lot of a nearby house of worship.

Among the crowd were members of the Secure Community Network, a nonprofit organization that works with Jewish congregations to prepare for scenarios such as the one unfolding nearby. Chairman Harold Gernsbacher, who lives in Dallas, was called about the situation about 11 a.m.

He said the group worked with the Congregation Beth Israel, including Rabbi Charlie Cytron-Walker, on Aug. 22 to evaluate the perimeter of the synagogue and practice safety drills in case a shooting ever occurred.

“We’re dealing with the fact that antisemitic acts are on the rise across America,” said Amy Korenvaes, a board member of the Secure Community Network.

In response to news of the hostage situation, Jewish communities in several cities have heightened their security. Police in Los Angeles, Beverly Hills, Calif., and Dallas said they increased patrols around their local synagogues.

Jewish leaders and others condemned the attack as part of a number of assaults on Jewish people and places of worship. In 2019, an armed shooter killed 11 people and injured six others at Pittsburgh’s oldest synagogue, Tree of Life. Six months later, a shooter killed one and injured three in a synagogue near San Diego.

UPDATE, 10:35 PM ET:

The remaining three hostages have been rescued, according to Texas Governor Greg Abbott. The condition of the hostage-taker was not immediately made clear.

“All hostages are out alive and safe,” Abbott tweeted at 10:33 p.m. ET.

One male hostage had previously been released, as reported here, A reason for his release was not given.

Authorities have not identified the suspected hostage-taker.

Aafia Siddiqui
Aafia Siddiqui was convicted in 2010 of trying to kill US authorities in Afghanistan.
Aafia Siddiqui
Siddiqui is serving an 86-year prison sentence in nearby Fort-Worth, according to public records.
Aafia Siddiqui
Siddiqui was a Pakistani neuroscientist.
A gunman held hostages at Beth Israel Synagogue in Colleyville, Texas on Saturday.
Colleyville is a community near Dallas-Fort Worth, Texas.

(c) 2022, The Washington Post · Mary Beth Gahan, Meryl Kornfield, Devlin Barrett · 


  1. No no no. Stop. This is fake news. The details clearly don’t fit the narrative put out by Biden and Psaki. Repeat after me: WHITE Supremacy is THEE greatest threat facing this Nation! WHITE Trump supporters are all domestic terrorists! Please remove this fake story immediately! I’m very concerned about backlash against the Muslim American community.

    • I repeated your mantra after you, word for word, and I feel a lot better now. Thanks for the advice. I am now going to log in to Joe Biden’s campaign website – if it’s still active – and I will donate some money to his campaign, and purchase some Biden campaign pins for the 2024 election. How dare they try and change the narrative on Trump with this fake news story about a fake terrorist! I’m appalled!

    • The Rabbi of this Temple called Israel an Apartheid state. He writes on his website: “An inclusive heimish Reform synagogue” so with these two points we can just see what this temple is all about. oh, also, when they were renovating they moved their services into an active church right next to them. Well, liberals never learn. They shoot themselves with the same weapon they use to attack others. How histerical that a Muslim came to hold them hostage.

    • At the same time though we feel total solidarity with our Jewish brothers and sisters there and are severely pained by wicked attacks on them. That they sadly are part of the ideologically wrong Reform operation is not their fault at all, as they are totally Tinokes Shnishb’su – people who were raised up in the type of realm and thus, understandably, think that, that operation is a valid form of Judaism. These exact words were said by Rav Yaakov Bender, Sh’lita, regarding the tragic massacre of several people, Hashem Yinkem Damam, that occurred a few years ago at a conservative temple in Pittsburg, Pennsylvania.

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