Donald Trump Says He Believes Arizona, Nevada Elections Are ‘Rigged’

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In a shock announcement, Donald Trump told his followers that he believes the Arizona and Nevada elections were “rigged.” In posts on his Truth Social platform, the former president bemoaned Republicans’ downbeat reaction to this week’s midterm results, for which many party critics have said Trump was largely responsible.

“So sad to see Republicans attack and foolishly tarnish the results of the Midterms,” Trump wrote. “WE WON, Nancy got fired and is on her way to foreign lands, Republicans are taking over the House and, importantly, its Committees, and may very well win the Senate Majority, depending on whether or not Arizona or Nevada Elections are RIGGED (which I believe they are!)?” He later followed up in another post: “Very strange things are happening with the votes cast in Nevada and Arizona. Stay tuned!”

Both Nevada and Arizona are still counting votes as of today, with the states’ critical Senate races yet to be called. (Daily Beast)


  1. In response to Mr. Trump’s suggestion that the Arizona and Nevada elections were “rigged”, the CEO of Dominion Voting Systems Corporation released a statement on Friday saying: “In no way were the voting machines in Arizona and Nevada rigged. While we did have a special Election Day special going on, where for every Republican vote you punched in, you received 2 free Democrat votes automatically punched in for you, this is nothing out of the ordinary. We run these kind of specials quite often; on National Holidays, and especially Election Days.
    “Wishing all our customers a happy post mid-term election season,
    Sincerely yours,
    Rick Riggman – CEO Dominion Voting Systems and Hacks”

  2. Trump thinks so? We live in an oilem hasheker with media that spews fake news! The world knows it; everyone is talking about how it was stolen in 2020 and now. I have a friend from Mexico who told me what is happening with Nevada and Arizona is nothing short of theft and corruption. The sad reality is that we live in a banana republic. We should start thinking that perhaps in Moshiach terms and hopefully zechus, we will get out of this mess!

  3. Okaaayyyyy……. So what is Mr. Trump going to do about it? Oh, I thought so. Enough with this old cantankerous windbag.

  4. Well, what would you say if polling livestream in Nevada goes dark & 9 minutes later there is a huge ballot drop of almost all Dem votes. Mind you this is 3 days AFTER the election! Sounds like a fair election, no?

  5. Well, what would you say if polling livestream in Nevada goes dark & 9 minutes later there is a huge ballot drop of almost all Dem votes. Mind you this is 3 days AFTER the election! Sounds like a fair election, no? .

    • The Nevada Secretary of State is a very conservative Republican and the Republican won the Governor’s race there. However, the old SoS was term limited and the new SoS will be a Democrat as the election denying Republican nominee lost.

      • Stop with the election denier stupidity. Especially when the dems are the original election deniers. Just go back to the folowing, 2000, 2016. However, all parties need to learn to accept and move on. I personally hope trump goes away already or at a minimum shuts up. If not 2024 will be a blood bath blue wave with veto and filibuster proof control for aoc and the extreme left.

  6. A few Questions, some food for thought, would appreciate answers

    1) Why is 2022 does it take over a week to count votes, however in Israel with paper votes of over 4 million it takes 2 hours. also when democrats “won” even by a small margin like PA senate it takes at most 12 hours??
    2) how does likelihood of 87% (with polls etc.)of republicans’ taking over the house become slimmer and slimmer as the days go by?
    3) in the past mane decades midterms was always won by the party not affiliated with the president, how does this year with such an unpopular president, economy in shambles, everything going wrong with the country, yet the senate and probably the house stay “democratic”
    4)how come on the state level in PA almost all republicans’ are voted in yet the senate or house everyone goes for the democrat
    5) when it was internal republicans’ primaries mostly trump candidates all won??

    • 1) There are a lot of reasons but here are several: Republicans do not allow ballots to be counted until election day in states where they control the process; mail in ballots can usually be counted as long as they were postmarked by election day and the post office is still really slow thanks to Trump’s “reforms”; election officials don’t have enough staff

      2) Democrats keep winning the close races as all the votes get counted. Part of this is Trump telling Republicans not to vote by mail.

      3) 2002 was a year the party in the White House won the midterm elections so it isn’t “always”. And the economy continues to do well with low unemployment and a strong dollar, Trump is even more unpopular than Biden, and voters want abortion to be legal. Oh and Republicans ran some really awful candidates.

      4) Republicans gerrymandered everything in PA but they can’t gerrymander the statewide elections. Nevertheless the Democrats are close to winning the Pennsylvania House of Representatives. Oh and the Republicans had two horrible candidates for Governor and Senator.

      5) Republicans would apparently rather lose with a Trumpie than win with someone sane. NH, PA, NV, AZ were all places where a sane Republican would probably have been elected to the Senate. And in the one place there the Republicans DID nominate a sane candidate, Colorado, Trump set out to deliberately sabotage his campaign and elect a Democrat.

    • Because trump is in the way of republicans. If he endorses a candidate every anti trump person, either side, comes out like roaches to vote against trump candidate. Simple as that.

  7. They are rigged so that the person with the most votes wins.

    I guess the Republican who was just elected Governor of Nevada won a rigged election too?

  8. I hate to agree with Trump but there is a decent chance that he is right about this.

    Among other things the fact that there were problems with machines for the past two elections specifically in Maricopa County in Arizona , Republican stronghold (though they probably weren’t the same machines) does raise suspicion.

    It’s naïve to just assume there was no foul play no questions asked, no investigations made


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