Donald Trump’s Team Reportedly Tapped RFK Jr. as Potential Vice President

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Sources close to Donald Trump reached out to Robert F. Kennedy Jr. about serving as the presidential candidate’s running mate, per a new report by the New York Post. “Trump operatives expressed an interest in Kennedy early on, but it was all premature,” a source said. The connection was made “right out of the box when Bobby announced” in April 2023, when Kennedy went public with his presidential bid.

Still, the potential duo is on the table: “Anything’s possible. I wouldn’t write it off by any means,” the source added.

Kennedy was initially running as a Democrat, but has since switched to the Independent party. Per the report, Kennedy “wasn’t interested” in joining Trump’s Republican campaign. Kennedy has spoken against multiple vaccines, perhaps putting him at-odds with Trump, who funded the development of a COVID-19 vaccine during the pandemic in 2020. Read more. 


  1. Later, in that same NY Post article, it says:

    “Yet Steve Bannon, a former chief White House strategist for Trump, who remains close to the former president, has also pushed the idea and said in August that a Trump-Kennedy ticket would produce a “massive landslide.”

    Bingo! I’ve been saying that for quite some time already. I get all of RFK’s emails & texts and have personally joined some of his teams zoom meetings. RFK, in my opinion, is definitely more conservative and moral than Trump. RFK is unabashedly pro Yidden and pro Israel, even though he takes a lot of heat for it. Most of his views are considered to be “right wing”. Like Mike Huckabee, RFK never apologizes for believing in God, and he constantly acknowledges and thanks him publicly for his successes. His demeanor is always calm and reflective. He doesn’t interrupt people who ask legitimate tough questions and never lowers himself to name calling, like Trump does. A first class mensch. A brilliant articulate orator who doesn’t use teleprompters. I still hope RFK jr can pull off the Presidency on his own, without Trump (who might be in a prison cell). But if Trump is the definite nominee and he picks RFK to be his VP, he will win in a landslide of epic proportions. Disgruntled Conservative Republicans like me, and disgruntled moderate democrats, and Independents are already supporting RFK jr. so it would be a win win situation.

    • To all those who say… “I’d vote for anyone but TRUMP… I can’t stand him!!” or “I can’t believe you’re voting for Trump!” Well folks listen up! This is not a jr. high or high school popularity/personality election!! I’m not just voting for the person, I’m voting for the platform! I’m voting for the Second Amendment. I’m voting for the next Supreme Court justice. I’m voting for the Electoral College and the Republic we live in. I’m voting for the Police and law and order. I’m voting for the military, and the veterans who fought and died for this Country. I’m voting for the Flag that is always missing from the Democratic background. I’m voting for the right to speak my opinion and not be censored. I’m voting for secure borders. I’m voting for the right to praise my G-d without fear. I’m voting for every unborn soul the Democrats want to abort. I’m voting for freedom and the American Dream. I’m voting for good and against evil. I’m not just voting for one person, I’m voting for the future of my country!

    • RFK Jr is a far cry from Trump who’s a real leader everybody loves – except, of course the CIA and DS and followers of the CIA mouthpiece, aka MSM. RFK is basically the same style as Haley or Hillary. Remember, he’s an anti-gun too. Tucker would be a better choice. But, as was mentioned by others, JFK Jr will be the one.

  2. First of all, this article is recycled from April 2023.

    Secondly as someone mentioned, “Although RFK was against the vax and lockdowns, he’s a climate fanatic who’ll arrest all climate deniers.”

    Thirdly, JFK JR who took over for Pence in 2017 under mask is still alive and is going to CONTINUE BEING the VP of the United States. MARK MY WORDS!

  3. A while back, RFK said that the Covid 19 virus was engineered to spare Ashkenazi Jews from catching the virus.
    We don’t need an antisemite in the White House.

    • This “Ashkenazi Jews” remark by RFK is worse than you think. Non-Jews, even conservatives, believe that “Jews are descended from Kharzarians destroyers of the world and must be annihilated.” You wouldn’t believe how happy these antisemites are with the ICJ accusation of Israel’s “genocide”.


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