Dozens of Israeli Soldiers to Skip Training in Protest Against Netanyahu

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Dozens of Israeli soldiers protesting Prime Minister Bibi Netanyahu’s co-called “judicial crackdown” have decided not to participate in a drill on Wednesday, according to Reuters. The soldiers, members of Israel’s air force reserves, said in a letter circulated among Israeli media that they would instead direct their energy “to dialogue and reflection for the sake of democracy and national unity.”

The uncommon move, which follows an organized protest march last month that included hundreds of reservists, comes as Netanyahu and his party seek to strip the Supreme Court of powers, including its ability to rule against members of Israel’s legislative and executive branches. The proposed changes led to massive protests across the country, including in Tel Aviv. Read more. 


  1. So are the police knocking down their doors in the middle of the night to arrest them for not reporting to duty?
    Oh wait, wrong idiology.

  2. Trump is good at taking care of criminal politicians and judges. Perhaps Netanyahu should get Trump over to drain the swamp in Israel too.

  3. Most of these young soldiers and pilots mean well but they are just stupid. They grew up in a socialist world. They don’t know how a free world operates or how individuals living in a free world exist. Nebech.

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