‘Dr. Doom’ Predicts NYC Destroyed By Nukes, Storms In Next 20 Years

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Nouriel Roubini is seriously reconsidering whether he wants to continue living in New York. Mostly because, well, he wants to survive.

“There’s a scenario in which, in the next twelve months, Russia uses tactical nuclear weapons against Ukraine and then they attack NATO and we start a conventional war with Russia. The first nuclear weapon is gonna go to New York,” said the 64-year-old NYU economics professor and CEO of Roubini Macro Associates, according to the New York Post. “Being in New York City is not safe.”

Even if Manhattan manages to avoid nuclear annihilation, there’s still the possibility of a natural disaster, like Hurricane Sandy that flooded New York in 2012, but “much, much worse,” Roubini told The Post. ”In the next 20 years, most of downtown New York is gonna be underwater.”

A recent $52 billion proposal from the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, which promises to build sea barriers to protect the city from another storm surge, are impractical, he added, because “Who’s gonna pay for that? They don’t even know if it’s gonna work. It’ll take twenty-five years to build and even if we save Manhattan, all of the Jersey Shore and Long Island will get flooded because that water needs to go somewhere.”

You don’t have to talk with Roubini for very long to realize why he earned the nickname “Dr. Doom” — a moniker that has always given him a sort of supervillain sheen. Read more at the New York Post.


  1. If putin strikes Manhattan then Moscow is next which would lead to LA being hit and then we would respond with st Petersburg. It’s more likely that they would send a rocket to an uninhabited area of Indiana than they would to one of the most significant zip codes in the world. If he’s worried about the island sinking like Jakarta, I’m sure a good drainage system could protect NYC for over 20 years.

  2. He’s referring to Smart Dust that can infest your brain, created in Taiwan and planned to spread on the population all over the world, courtesy of the CIA – reported by Julian Assange before he was dragged out of the embassy and locked in UK prison. How dare Assange disclose their evil to the world.

  3. I recommend that Dr.Doom sign up to immigrate to a human friendly planet in outer space.
    That should keep him safe oand worry free

    It should keep us from hearing anymore of his ignorant diatribes.

    Wait it won’t work if he goes he won’t be able to flog and sell his books.

    What a bummer I thought this was a perfect solution to two problems.

  4. “Who’s gonna pay for that?”

    Well if we don’t take action the next SuperStorm Sandy will result in another $52 billion in damage so we might as well pay up front.

    Sea level rise is an actual thing.

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