Dr. Mendelsohn: Don’t Panic or Cancel Simchos of Events Because of Coronavirus

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  1. Hes an idiot. If one older person dies because a younger person brought it back home. Err on the side of caution. Hes an ent doctor and not id- i know because im an ent head and neck surgeon myself who has published papers and is affiliated with mount sinai in ny. In fact the big meeting for the doctors just got cancelled- here is a copy of the email i got
    CANCELLED: Mount Sinai Hospital: Association of The Attending Staff (AAS) meeting / Thursday – March 12th 2020 5:15 p.m. Hess Center – Seminar Room A (1470 Madison Ave @ 101st Street-2nd Floor)
    The AAS meeting scheduled for March 12 has been canceled as a result of the Health System’s temporary policy to cancel all in–person large group meetings.

    • That site is 100% nonsense because according to professional doctors Corona virus is “like” the flu and one should go about it like the flu. Mendelsohn is awake and is trying to wake up the sheeple.

    • Remember, doctors do NOT do any research. Which is why they can inject children with dangerous vaccinations and flu shots.

  2. Some explanation of the doctor’s reasoning would be nice.
    a) How is the panic worse than the disease?
    b) Yes, other sicknesses exist. How does it follow from there that we should not be very concerned about this one?
    c) Separately, what are the doctor’s credentials with respect to epidemiology and infectious diseases specifically?

    • Kol hakavod to this Dr for willing to put his name on telling facts.

      Unlike other ones here, who just go with the flow. It is always safer politically..to just say “stay home”.
      Of course, there is nothing to lose by it, so why not.

    • (a)I’m not sure he said that but if he did he means the panic can cause more damage than the disease
      (b)it doesn’t. he said not to PANIC over this one
      (c) He very clearly gives his credential to asses this issue. I don’t care what his specific credential are in regards to epidemiology and infectious diseases.Saying that you don’t have the credentials to question me /us/him instead of actually responding to the questions is a common tactic of shouting down criticisms of what you are saying.

      Of course I’m not saying this guy is right. I definitely don’t have anywhere near the medical knowledge to have an opinions of value on this. I’m just responding to your objections

      • a) He explicitly says this in his second-to-last paragraph.
        b) He takes care to mention many other diseases, including influenza and digestive tract diseases. The inference to be drawn is obvious.
        c) The question about his credentials speaks directly to his credibility on this issue.

  3. Italy had 12 cases of coronavirus 2 weeks ago. Today, 500 are dead with the country on full lockdown.

    Singapore had coronavirus cases two months ago, but with highly cautionary measures it has no deaths to date.

    • Let’s see the list of names of the 500 dead. Just because fake news said so does not mean it is so. When was the last time fake news reported the truth? 99.9999% anyone that died was because either they were against being quarantined or they had other complications. Nobody died from this coronaflu without other complications.

      • May the outbreak stay away from you and may you remain in ignorance, that is to say bliss, and never know what is really going on, which is much worse than anything the “fake news” outlets are publishing.
        In the meantime, be careful not to catch and spread any bug, whether or not it is this “flu”. Getting the flu is not fun after all, and it is not nice to give it to anybody. Use tissues, wash your hands carefully, very simple things which I am sure you agree with.

  4. Are the handles of washing cups in your workplace, shul, school, restaurant, or catering hall kept in a disinfected condition? If not, why not?

  5. Coronanonsense is the same media created hysteria like the deadly measles epidemic that took so many Yiddishe lives from our community. Repeat after me:
    Fake news
    Fake news
    Fake news
    Just go get your flu shot and you’ll be safe and live forever.

  6. March 10, 2020 
    With 463 dead and 9,172 infected, Italy’s fatality rate is running at 5% nationwide and 6% in Lombardy, far higher than the 3%-4% estimates elsewhere. Dr. Giovanni Rezza, head of infectious disease at the National Institutes of Health, attributed the high rate to the fact that Italy has the world’s oldest population after Japan, and the median age of its virus-related dead is 80. But there are young people who are infected too. Some have been in intensive care, including the first person to test positive in the north who hadn’t been to China, a 38-year-old 

  7. There is a difference between panic, and highly concerted efforts.
    I think that those saying its media hype are panicking, and lashing out at it is their way of trying to calm themselves down.
    However, in reality, for those who are extremely susceptible due to underlying health concerns, this is indeed a frightening phenomenon.

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