Dr. Zev Zelenko Responds to Questions About His COVID-19 Treatment

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Dr. Zev Zelenko famously publicized his treatment for COVID-19, but since then, some have pointed to a study questioning the effectiveness of hydroxychloroquine for the coronavirus.

In response, Dr. Zelenko explained as follows: “My approach is to treat patients early in the infection and not wait until they are in the hospital. All studies are done on very sick people and are designed to fail.”

Dr. Zelenko added, “Defeating this enemy means to ignore the ‘news’ article and go straight to the source information. The good news is that real information is available. But it takes a little while to learn how to read it. It’s a struggle. It takes energy and focus…”



    • Compassionate care has nothing to do with palliative care! Compassionate care means that a drug is prescribed (obviously off-label) to a patient in the absence of evidence-based studies for this patient’s disease.

  1. His treatment literally saved a family member of ours. Just took a few hours for them to see a major difference and heal thereafter. He deserves the Nobel Peace Prize; anyone debunking him is politically motived or outright jealous.

    • Part of the opposition is coming from Big Pharma. There are numerous health and pharmaceutical companies trying to come up with a cash making cow to fight coronavirus. Using this cocktail to fight the virus, is spoiling their party, because nobody will need their expensive medicines.

  2. 1. Meta study disproves the benefit of hydrochlo–
    2. Dr Zel practices in a controled area,meaning his patients can not sue him with out rebbe saying so, and NO rebbe in ny/rockland co. will allow. Dr Zel has not to worry about liability.
    3. His ineffective tx. will make residents caviler and risk takers ie minyan, weddings, parties, other close contacts.
    4. See what dr R. roberts lakewood.says
    5. Outside chance it helps at the earliest stage, and what is that? coughing, sweating, nothing?

    • After reading all reports first in the media then in the “studies”, my conclusion is, the medical “professionals” or as they pretend “god”, will never allow this to be a solution. They were not against this regimen when cuomo spoke about this, however once trump started backing it they were all unified against it. Now just a small sample of the studies, reports etc.

      First the incident where the couple died after ingesting chloroquine phosphate (aka fish tank cleaner). The news proclaimed it a killer while leaving the critical information that it was not chloroquine but chloroquine phosphate for the end of the articles. This is no proof, however this does show their intent.

      Second was a study in I think brazil, where again, they headline and most of the article attempted to hide the fact that it was a high dose.

      Third, there were many md from prestigious medical facilities that claimed their personal experience with their patients proved it to be extremely effective.

      The fact that they breathlessly ran to block it’s application for corona even without any evidence or any alternative speaks for itself.

  3. I personally know first hand a number of people who were saved by his protocol. There is some concern for the heart so it should be done with heart monitoring before, during and after treatment. Very sad how politics are literally costing lives. And yes, this very simple concept is the key to understanding why some are saying it doesn’t work (besides for those politically motivated) and that is that it has to be given BEFORE the patient becomes critically ill ch’v for there to be a good chance of it working (in some cases it works at a late stage also, but best results when given relatively early).

  4. He said
    “My approach is to treat patients early in the infection and not wait until they are in the hospital. All studies are done on very sick people and are designed to fail.”

    Im NOT a fan of the doctor BUT
    he IS correct – once in the hospital it may be too late
    and the study was done in VA patients – who are older, sicker, alcoholics, smokers druggies.
    Need to compare apples to apples and apples to fish.

    Is this the answer to the epidemic – More studies need to be done.
    Doctor in NJ

  5. It is sad that this protocol was the subject of a concerted effort by the Leftists.

    They even went as far as to take any mention of it out of Social media.

    Look, do not we know for sure that this protocol is very effective, No.

    But one thing is certain, when you have a leftist Governor, and All other Leftist Media types, go crazy about the mention of a reasonable option, we can all be certain that the Truth was NOT a factor. Trump Bashing was their criteria.

    • The very fact that it’s politically debated suggests that it’s not an effective cure. If it were, the Liberals would insist on getting it fast-tracked for approval and inclusion in care protocols – much more so given that covid-19 is hitting hard NY and California – and if anything, they would try to get credit, e.g. state that some Democrat congressperson has mentioned it before Trump, or whatever.
      There are patients who will benefit from this, which is very different from administering it to everyone.

      • You mean the same guys who,for example the mayor of NYC, that openly called for people to “go out” to movies and restaurants and whose director of public health openly called out to people to attend the Chinese parade festival? The same guys (like the Democrats in the House) who delayed passing of the emergency financing in their attempt to fill the legislation with things like (green new deal” such as added regulations on (dying) airline industries regarding fuel usage and its (alleged) affects on global warming.

    • Leftist Media, Leftist Governor. Sean Hannity and Laura Ingraham pushed this drug and mocked the responsible media when they were warning of Covid 19. Analysis of people who listened to these two show those that listened to them did not see Covid 19 as a virus to be cautious about because you know the lefties. Sean Hannity goes apoplectic when he was called on it. When an argument is based on insults Like the Leftist media, Leftist Governor it shows that it is a weak argument. Trust the Science and the Scientist. I trust the NIH.
      Laura Ingraham when and visited Donald Trump and advocated for the use of this drug. Unbelievable the amount of attention this drug has gotten.

  6. I have been Dr Zelenko’s Patient for over 6 Years. He is an excellent doctor and diagnostician. Also a very educated and careful Doctor. He has said he has helped over 1000 patients from Corona, and very few had to go to Hospital. I know at least 2 as well as others from other doctors who followed his prescription. Whys doesn’t someone start a public website for Doctors all over the united states , who have listened to him and most have been very successful .
    If he has saved 1000 lives, I am sure there are another 20 to 40,000 lives that other doctors have saved , he had a lot of doctors agreeing with him. From Hackesack, NJ, Calafornia, as well as all over the world..One of my friends in Brooklyn said his doctor followed it and he got better. Look how many didn’t and a lot of them got to where they couldn’t breathe.
    This VA trial of 300 patients should be taken down and a apology is in order to the whole world from whoever is using this to knock this procedure.

  7. My father 87 ba”h in poor cardiovascular health was put on the medication and it saved his life. He had 102 fever. the doctor said that without the medicine he has no chance, with the medicine a very small chance. B”H he is up and talking now and only on minimal oxygen. I know numerous people who were on the medicine and are B”H over with it. As Dr Zelenko says it needs to be available in pharmacies so people can take it early on and not wait until its already too late.

  8. Chloroquine is a potent inhibitor of SARS coronavirus infection and spread (Virology Journal 2005)

    Chloroquine is effective in preventing the spread of SARS CoV in cell culture. Favorable inhibition of virus spread was observed when the cells were either treated with chloroquine prior to or after SARS CoV infection. In addition, the indirect immunofluorescence assay described herein represents a simple and rapid method for screening SARS-CoV antiviral compounds.


    • We all know that, and it miserably failed in vivo. Of course, that was SARS-1 from 2005 which is caused by a different virus than the one we face today. Cloroquine may have a role in SARS-COVID-2 at least for a subset of patients. What is irresponsible is to offer it to everyone, especially to people with mild symptoms who might have had no serious damage. What is even more irresponsible is to distract from the really important issues:
      1. Don’t catch the virus
      2. Don’t transmit the virus

  9. Anonymous, you are a piece of live human garbage & you will be revealed for all eternity & disgust any who has ever existed. You are a shame to humanity, a pathological liar & we all know where you will end up. Now visualize any person who looks at you, throwing up on you.


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