DRESSED IN BIGDEI SHABBOS: Rav Yisroel Gelbwachs Greets Talmidim on the First Day of Yeshiva

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There are few yeshivos in the country like Yeshiva Tiferes Torah of Lakewood, NJ, for several reasons, but it starts at the top, with beloved founder and menahel Rav Yisroel Gelbwachs, a legend in the world of chinuch.

Rav Gelbwachs greeted his talmidim on the first day of school this week in his bigdei Shabbos, as he had the bris of a grandson that morning, but he explained that, in truth, that is the attire he should wear every single year on the first day of yeshiva, so significant and momentous of an occasion it is. The bris, he explained, gave him an opportunity to do what he always felt was appropriate.



  1. Great. We have videos galore of every minahel/Rebbe trying to outdo the next mosod. This one gives kisses. This one dresses in bigdei Shabbos. This one gives out candies. This one gives a set of shas. This one has a grand Siyum with carving stations. Then we sit and wonder why we have a major problem with kids going otd. Have our Yeshivos and mosdos become a competitive game?

    • Nebach,you sound so bitter.
      This is a nice thing,why do you have to look for bad?
      why can’t you believe that they rely mean it?

    • Couldn’t have said it better. Bigdei Shabbos is nuts. Bigdei Shabbos should be left for Shabbos, Yom Tov and Simchos. Next plan to expect: Greeting children every day Chanukah with Bigdei Shabbos and for every Siyum. They should go back to putting honey on Alef Beis and on spanking kids like they’re now doing in the State of Missouri, even on the very first day for misbehavior and they’ll have peace and obedience all year.

  2. “But he explained that, in truth…, he should wear [his bigdei Shabbos] every single year on the first day of yeshiva, so significant and momentous of an occasion it is.”
    One 5-year-old student reportedly approached him and asked him: “Excuse me, but where’s the Cholent? All I see is tuna fish salad.”

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