During Eulogy For War Hero Senator, Obama Refers To Himself 63 Times

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senator-daniel-inouyePresident Barack Obama used the funeral for Hawaii senator Daniel Inouye to talk about himself. In the short 1,600 word speech, Obama used the word “my” 21 times, “me” 12 times, and “I” 30 times.

Obama’s speech discussed how Inouye had gotten him interested in politics. “Danny was elected to the U.S. Senate when I was two years old,” he said.

Speaking to the audience at the National Cathedral in Washington, D.C., Obama talked about his family and their vacations. “Now, even though my mother and grandparents took great pride that they had voted for him, I confess that I wasn’t paying much attention to the United States Senate at the age of four or five or six. It wasn’t until I was 11 years old that I recall even learning what a U.S. senator was, or it registering, at least. It was during my summer vacation with my family — my first trip to what those of us in Hawaii call the Mainland,” said Obama.

“So we flew over the ocean, and with my mother and my grandmother and my sister, who at the time was two, we traveled around the country. It was a big trip. We went to Seattle, and we went to Disneyland — which was most important. We traveled to Kansas where my grandmother’s family was from, and went to Chicago, and went to Yellowstone. And we took Greyhound buses most of the time, and we rented cars, and we would stay at local motels or Howard Johnson’s. And if there was a pool at one of these motels, even if it was just tiny, I would be very excited. And the ice machine was exciting — and the vending machine, I was really excited about that.”


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  1. Hi Ben-Azai,

    That’s ME, the egocentric. I live in MY own personal world,and I only think about MYSELF, and what makes ME feel good. In addition, the world really revolves around MYSELF, and if your’re nice to ME, I”LL let you share part of MY world.

  2. #4,

    Presidents usually see themselves as representatives their country. They seek to make their country look polished. That’s not what Mr. Hussain Obama did

  3. That’s ME, the egocentric. I live in MY own personal world,and I only think about MYSELF, and what makes ME feel good. In addition, the world really revolves around MYSELF, and if your’re nice to ME, I”LL let you share part of MY world.

    And YOUR point is what, precisely?

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