Emergency Rooms Reporting Long Wait Times Amid Medicine Shortages

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Fox News medical contributor Dr. Marc Siegel discusses factors contributing to long wait times at emergency rooms.



  1. Joe Biden is the President of the United States. I’m not worried. Joe is a natural born leader. Joe is a unifier. Joe is a uniter. Joe is the second coming.

  2. Something’s very fishy happening with shortages of basic pain medications all over the world, like ibuprofen, tylenol, acamol. According to the Globe and Mail “Health Canada says foreign supply of children’s pain medication is on the way.” – coming from China. Who knows how dangerous they’re planning to make these drugs which will possibly include malicious lethal ingredients to spite the public who’ve stopped taking the death vax.

    • True. In the UK, US, Canada, Israel, Australia, actually all over the world, there’s a record number of drug shortage. It might be what you say that they want to replace them with new ones laced with fatal ingredients, or it might be taken off the shelves by the White Hats (the good people) because of the dangerous ingredients they contain, like baby formula they took off the shelves a few months ago.


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