Erdan: ‘Security Council Should Be Called the UN’s Terror Council’

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Israeli Ambassador to the United Nations Gilad Erdan has strongly criticized the UN Security Council, alleging that it would be rewarding terrorism by contemplating the recognition of the Palestinians as a full UN member state.

In his address, Erdan asserted, “If the Security Council recommends full membership for the Palestinian Authority that incites and funds terror with no control over its territory – it deserves to be called the UN’s ‘Terror Council’ not ‘Security Council’.”

He posed the question, “How many times has this Council met to discuss ways to advance the release of our hostages held in Gaza? How many times? Not even once.”

Furthermore, Erdan pointed out, “How many condemnations has this Council issued against Hamas or for their heinous October 7th massacre? Zero. Zero.”

Erdan emphasized that instead of condemning the atrocities committed by Hamas or taking tangible steps to secure the release of hostages, the Council was poised to vote on recommending full membership status for the Palestinian Authority, effectively endorsing a Palestinian State.

Citing Article 4 of the UN Charter, Erdan underscored, “A very important principle stated in Article 4 of the UN Charter is, ‘Membership in the United Nations is open to all peace-loving states.’ Peace-loving. What a joke,” he said. “Does anyone doubt that the Palestinians fail to meet these criteria? Did anyone hear any Palestinian leader even condemn the massacre of our children?”

He raised the question, “Who is the Council voting to ‘recognize’ and give full membership status to? Hamas in Gaza? The Palestinian Islamic Jihad in Nablus? Who?”

Erdan condemned the Council’s decision to prioritize the admission of Palestine over other global crises, portraying it as a reward for terrorism. “What this Council has decided to focus on – at the expense of all other calamities around the globe – is to grant a prize to terrorists. Granting the perpetrators and supporters of October 7th full membership status in the UN is the vilest reward for the vilest crimes,” he asserted.

Warning against the implications of unilaterally recognizing a Palestinian State, Erdan cautioned, “The only thing that a forced, unilateral recognition of a Palestinian State will do is to make any future negotiations almost impossible. As long as the Palestinians feel that they can exploit this politicized body to their benefit, why would they bother at the negotiating table or support any compromise?”

Erdan speculated that admitting Palestine as a full member state would precipitate the downfall of the UN as an institution. “According to Erdan, a vote to admit Palestine would mark the beginning of the end of the UN as an institution. “The day will come when this organization will be shuttered. The UN as we know it will cease to exist and in its place will stand a body that truly cares about human rights. That truly fights to promote peace. That is capable of putting politics aside, for the sake of justice, morality, and humanity. And when that day comes – and it will – this meeting and the vote to force the establishment of a Palesti-Nazi state will be remembered as catalysts of the UN’s collapse.”

The Security Council is poised to vote on the admission of Palestine as a full member state tomorrow (Friday). The proposal requires nine affirmative votes to pass, barring a veto from the US. British Foreign Minister David Cameron has announced the UK’s intention to vote against the motion.

{ Israel}



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