Exiled Moscow Chief Rabbi: Grave Indicator Of Worsening Situation For Jews In Russia

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Arutz Sheva reports that Chief Rabbi Pinchas Goldschmidt, President of the Conference of European Rabbis and exiled Chief Rabbi of Moscow, has responded to a message in a Russian Telegram group called, “Disclosed.” The group has almost 23,000 subscribers.

The message called, among other things, for consideration of the proscription of Chabad as an ‘undesirable’ organization in Russia and the banning of its activities across the Russian Federation. It also called for an investigation into Chabad foundational text, the Tanya, “for signs of extremism: propaganda of the exclusivity and superiority of Jews over other peoples, the inferiority of non-Jews, racism, Nazism and misanthropy, consider recognizing it as extremist material and banning it on the territory of Russia.”

Reacting to these reports, Chief Rabbi Goldschmidt said: “This apparent initiative, if found to be genuine, follows the pattern of the words of the secretary of the Security Council of Russia of a few months ago. This manifestation of antisemitism is a grave indicator of the worsening situation for Jews in Russia. It should be clear that this attack against the Chabad Lubavitch community, which is prominent in Russia, is an attack against the whole Jewish community.”


  1. This statement of “grave indicators” by a Rabbi is not going to benefit his community.

    Although one can understand that curtailing Hafatza of the Alter Rebbe’s Torah is not a good thing, it does not warrant this extreme reaction, not to mention the negative affects on the Jewish community as a whole such an embellished statement can create.

    A little common sense & Achrayus is the BARE MINIMUM to be expected from our “leaders”.

    • If they are saying this about Tanya, the obvious next step is the entire Torah and all other Jewish books. Tanya is based on Torah and Gemara sources, the Alter Rebbe didn’t make it up.

  2. Amchu is right.
    The Chazon Ish said that the Modzitzer Rebbe saved the rabbanim in Vilna, allowing many to escape, due to the sechel he employed in a very similar situation.

  3. This ‘story’ is untrue. russia has a constitution. Equality is guranteed. jews have LIVED in Russia for a 1000 years+. The jews stay and live off the fat of the land. Some jews become Oligarks. Even Billionaires. Russia is a good place. Come visit. Wwe have Koszer foods even GlaTT.
    Dont beleive Rabiinic lies.

    • Have you ever heard of the cantonists? Stalin, Lenin and the Czars yemach shemom? The Pale of settlement? But “Russia is a good place”, right?! PS The word pogrom itself comes from Russian. You can check that up if you don’t believe me.

      • Stop living in the past. U choose a story or two and blame the whole country!! Even Lubavitcher maintains their Russian identity and name.
        There are many words that come from Russian language like Kartophel=potato.

        • Natan Sharansky and Yossi Mendelevitch can tell what a wonderful place Mother Russia is. They were harassed and abused by the KGB and in the Russian gulags. Since you said that it’s just “a story or two”, I just gave you two stories.

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