Experts Urge Booster Shot ASAP For J&J Vaccine Recipients

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Experts are urging those who received the Johnson and Johnson vaccine to get the booster shot as soon as possible after a new study showed a drop in its effectiveness during the Delta variant surge.

An FDA advisory committee unanimously endorsed the emergency authorization of the J&J booster on Friday, amid fears that the vaccine may be less effective than the Pfizer or Moderna vaccines. Officials recommend that all those who received the shot get a booster two months after.

“J&J is a very good vaccine. I also believe it’s probably a two-shot vaccine,” Dr. Ashish Jha, dean of the Brown University School of Public Health, told CNN. “It’s really urgent that people get that second shot pretty quickly.”

A new study published Thursday that is yet to be peer-reviewed analyzed 620,000 military veterans who received the J&J vaccine this year and found that effective protection fell precipitously from 88 percent in March to just 3 percent in August.

Read more at NY Post.



  1. Matzav, it would be advisable to make a survey how many idiots took the jab, were killed or maimed from it and how many are still contemplating taking it?


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