Facebook Still Spreading Holocaust Denial Posts, Despite Supposed ‘Ban’

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Facebook has been accused of continuing to spread antisemitism despite last month’s ban on content that “denies or distorts the Holocaust”.

Recent research is said to have found numerous Holocaust denial Facebook pages that were still active as of mid-November.

This is according to The Markup, which also said Facebook’s algorithms continue to promote and recommend antisemitic content to people who click on the pages.

The nonprofit investigative news outlet said that this is “effectively creating a network for pushing anti-Semitic content.”

A lot of the antisemitic content found was said to be connected to infamous Holocaust denial groups that would be likely candidates for Facebook to target during its hate speech crackdown.

Read more at US Sun.



  1. Facebook Still Spreading Holocaust Denial Posts
    …and Matzav is still spreading articles claiming Covid-19 is one big hoax (or “Scamdemic”, as one of your published pieces claimed).
    Pot, meet pot.

    • Matzav will soon spread articled of brainwashed sheeple who were fooled into believing in the Covid-19 hoax which was concocted in 2017.


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