Factors Influencing Popular Fashion

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Many factors determine fashion trends. Some trends are global, but many fashion trends are alive only in a small area such as one country or even one town. Experts from meetwild.com researched factors that influence what people wear. Here you can read about some of those factors and discover what will be popular in 2021. 

Social and Economic Factors

Nothing influences what you will wear more than your social and economic situation. You can follow every fashion trend and spend days reading about fashion, but if you can’t afford popular clothes – you won’t wear them.

Cultural and Religion Influence

Social and economic factors are connected with a lack of money or real friends. Culture and religion determine what will be popular in some areas from a different angle. For example, you’ll never see an Islamic lady walking around in her bathing suit. But if you visit Ibiza, Hvar or some other warm place full of young people you’ll see many bathing suits.

Wearing a nice kimono in Hong Kong will make you blend in, but if you wear it in Sydney, you’ll notice everybody is giving you weird looks. That’s because where you are and what you believe in dictates what you’ll wear.

Fashion Forecast

If you follow fashion, you probably pay a lot of attention to fashion forecasts. That’s because you want to be the first among your friends or maybe even the first in your city to wear the next big thing. Timing is crucial there. Start wearing whatever forecast predicted too soon, and you’ll look like a black sheep. Start wearing it too late, and nobody will notice you’re following trends.

Movies & Music Celebrities

Celebrities are trend-setters. That’s a fact for decades. When you see your favorite singer or actor wearing something you like, you’ll try to copy their looks. That’s normal, and you shouldn’t feel bad because of it. Following trends doesn’t make you less unique. It shows that you’re keeping the pace of the modern world.

Standout Trends from the Spring 2021 Runways

2020 is one of the weirdest years ever. That left a mark on fashion and trends too. But fashion forecasts for 2021 look much brighter. Here you can find five things that will rule the world of fashion in a couple of months. Let’s start with headscarves.

Head Scarfs

Most people connect headscarves with Muslims because the niqab is the most famous headscarf on the planet. But it’s far from being the only traditional headscarf out there. Many cultures used to (and still do) cover their heads with headscarves. And no, pirates aren’t included.

That simple but impressive piece of clothes is popular among women with short hair and nice round skulls. But in the spring of 2021, you’ll see a lot more headscarves than this year (or any year before). Ladies with long hair will have a lot of options while combining headscarves and haircuts.

Folk Inspired Coats

Globalization is rapidly destroying most of the ethnic characteristics, which is sad because everybody should be proud of their heritage. That’s why we’re happy to see folk-inspired coats will take over the streets in 2021. You don’t have to wear only those coats that are inspired by your region. There’ll be many interesting coats to try, but keep in mind the cultural factors we mentioned earlier.

Button-Down, XXL

One trend that will take over men’s fashion in 2021 is wearing button-down XXL shirts. You’ve noticed that men tend to wear way too small shirts in the last couple of years. They were doing it to show how fit and muscular they are. Most of them used to wear their collars straight up to attract more attention and achieve a more aggressive look.

That will most likely change in 2021. Button-down shirts are coming back. That means men will look more formal than before. Combined with bigger shirts, it will bring back a look many women like to see, and many men feel comfortable in.

Bold Shoulder

Ready, steady, go! Run to your closet and take out everything with bold shoulders because shoulder pads are coming back in 2021. If you’re less than 30 years, you probably never had a chance to wear a bold shoulder piece of clothes, but ask your mum where she is hiding them. 

Pastels Preferred

Colors are as important as the design. Every couple of years, color trends change on a global scale. Dark colors and patterns mark some years, but 2021 won’t be one of those black years. Clothes in pastel colors will be very popular next year so make sure you brighten up your closet on time. You don’t want to be the only one wearing a gray dress while every other lady wears peachy, yellow, or some different pastel colors.

Now when you know what determines fashion trends, you can pay more attention to fashion. You’ve also learned what will be trendy next year, so you have time to prepare and shine when the time comes.


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