Farrakhan’s Challenges Alan Dershowitz To A ‘Showdown’

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Former Harvard Law School professor and prominent defense attorney Alan Dershowitz rejected a call by Nation of Islam leader Louis Farrakhan for a public debate, and slammed Democratic leaders for ‘legitimating’ the controversial black supremacist figure.

During a sermon at the Mosque Maryam in Chicago last week, the 85-year-old Nation of Islam chief called for a “showdown” between himself and prominent American Jewish critics, including Dershowitz and the Anti-Defamation League’s Jonathan Greenblatt.

“A showdown! Why not? We’re ready to die for what we believe! So, come on out Mr. [Jonathan] Greenblatt of the ADL and bring Mr. [Abraham] Foxman with you. Come on out Alan Dershowitz. You that say we are haters and anti-Semites,” said Farrakhan.


“I wouldn’t debate Farrakhan any more than I would debate David Duke or other Holocaust-deniers and Hitler-lovers,” Dershowitz said.

Read more at Arutz Sheva.



    • Because he’s Obama’s godfather thus cannot be touched as he’s above the law like Obama, Clinton and the rest of the Democrat gangsters.

  1. Please leave our first African-American President, Barack Obama alone. He was my best student. He absorbed everything I’ve been preaching. Farrakhan is a man of god.

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