Federal Judge Declines to Issue Restraining Order to Allow Overnight Summer Camps to Open

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Agudath Israel of America expresses its deep disappointment with Chief U.S. District Judge, Glenn Suddaby’s ruling to keep New York State overnight camps closed this summer.

Rabbi Yeruchim Silber, Agudah’s New York Government Relations Director, said, “The impact on children is devastating. Instead of looking forward to a summer of growth, filled with learning experiences and preparation for an upcoming school year, many children of our community will now be forced to endure a continuation of the long-lasting lockdowns imposed by the State Government.”

Read the injunction HERE: N.D.N.Y._1_20-cv-00687-GTS-DJS_28_0



  1. When New York State removed religious exemptions for vaccines amid the measles outbreak— we remained silent because we agreed that according to the Halacha we are obligated to vaccinate and safeguard lives. BUT we allowed a legal precedent to be set “public health overrides religious freedoms”.

    When New York State closed our shuls, and yeshivos during the peak of the corona virus pandemic – we again remained silent because we agreed that according to the Halacha we are obligated to close our shuls and yeshivas in order and safeguard lives. BUT we again allowed a legal precedent to be set “public health overrides religious freedoms”.

    Now, when we believe it’s safe to operate sleep-away camps and provide religious education for our youth are we really surprised to be told that “public health overrides religious freedoms”?

  2. Should have fought for safe minyanim back in March and April. If it was OK to go shopping, then it should have been OK to daven in a safe minyan. Our leadership gave up on minyanim, thereby the “government is in charge of our religious observance” premise was accepted, hence everything else, such as overnight camps, follows. Personally, I couldn’t care less about the overpriced snobby camps even before; especially now after we didn’t daven properly for over two months, all the while no “cherems” were made against shopping. Our nation survived 3.5 thousand years without overnight camps, so we should be fine now too.

  3. An honest argument on public health (regarding youth) is the exact opposite of this lunacy. A proper sleep away camp is the least likely place to contract the virus in question, while locked at home (and/or travelling to-and-for) is the most likely.

  4. What you say is incorrect. The Agudah openly protested the removal of the religious exemption for the measles vaccine. They made it clear that although they consider vaccines necessary, they found that removing the religious exemption posed a dangerous precedent, just as you claim. Please don’t accuse people without doing the proper research.

  5. For some kids sleepaway camp gives them life.
    I know someone who came from an abusive home, had learning disabilities, and very few friends.
    She went to camp the first time and blossomed! She became herself, the self she never met before. Lively, talented, and loads of new friends.
    She’s married now and looks back on that first summer camp experience with the fondest memories.
    And I know her very well- she’s ME!

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