Felder: “NYC Is The Wild, Wild West!”

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State Senator Simcha Felder introduced a package of legislation in the NYS Senate today to improve safety on New York City streets through education and regulation of bicycles, e-bikes and e-scooters.

“The streets of NYC have become the wild, wild west,” said Senator Felder. “The de Blasio administration has allowed a growing number of completely unregulated bicycles, ebikes, electric scooters and dirt bikes/ATV’s on our city streets and the results are proving deadly! Vision Zero has become Zero Vision. New York has a process in place to earn the privilege and responsibility of operating a motor vehicle on our streets. It includes education, licensure, registration and enforceable safety regulations. These bills expand the system currently in place to provide education, responsibility and accountability for everyone using NYC streets.”

The Vision 2.0 package of bills includes the following:

·         (S7203) Requires every person operating a bicycle, electric bicycle or electric scooter in NYC to wear a helmet.

·        (S7204) Establishes a Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV) Bicycle and Electric Scooter Education Course that leads to licensure.

·        (S7205) Requires DMV to add bicycle and e-scooter awareness to Drivers Education and the pre-licensing learners permit exam

·        (S7206) Requires bicycle, electric bicycle and electric scooter owners to register their vehicle and conspicuously display a DMV license plate.



  1. While some measures can be considered to improve things, overall, this proposal is very unbalanced, and very biased against alternative forms of transportation, which are desirable in that they are healthier than driving cars, and reduce the amount of traffic, pollution, and pressure on parking.

    Does he prefer that the people who use them switch to cars, increasing already onerous traffic jams, difficulty finding parking, and pollution instead?

    Also, keep in mind that car (and vans, SUV’s, trucks, etc.) drivers are the most dangerous vehicles on the road, due to their size, strength, and power, and cause the most injuries (ה’ ירחם). What is he doing to curb them? Trying to allow them to speed more quickly, at deadlier speeds? Why doesn’t he address dangerous driving and drivers too?

    • 4:22 unbalanced liberal-fascist, it goes like this: your politicians make our lives intolerable, so can ours make yours. Reducing available lanes, creating bus lanes that buses don’t even use, pedestrian zones creation in the middle of major communications, lowering the speed limit to a crawl, tweaking the traffic lights to be all red, etc. – all these don’t reduce the traffic jams nor “save the environment”, these only make it worse as there are more cars idling and doing artificially-caused detours, clogging up the already narrow streets. Obviously, the only purpose of these anti-car measures is to make the middle-class population’s lives miserable without making anything else easier for anyone else. It is part of the overall socialist-fascist control-freak agenda. So, the only way to discourage you liberal-fascists from grabbing control of other people’s lives is to do the same to you, and to make you on the defensive – the best defense is a good offense. I am not sure if this strategy was the Felder’s intent, or if his intent was simply to save the pedestrians from the wild bicyclists, anyway he is a great representative of our community. All respect to Felder.

  2. #1, there is nothing healthy about standing on a scooter or ebike. The roads were designed for vehicles and driving on it is a privilege, not a right. If a driver has too many points their licenses get suspended. Scooters however, are not regulated and they are a menace and a danger to pedestrians and vehicles. So they should be regulated the same way cars are, if they wish to use the road

    • Scooters and bicycles don’t emit poisonous fumes, and they are healthy. Standing up is more healthy than sitting in a car and burning gas.


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