Feminism? This Is What Happens When The Wife Earns More Than The Husband

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A man with a graying beard stands in line at the supermarket, trying to take deep breaths. His cart full of items for the next couple of weeks: Vegetables, eggs, bread, those strawberry yogurts his kids like. He begins to feel a bead of sweat trickle down his neck as the cashier begins to scan his items.




Please Hashem, he whispers.




Please let it not decline.


The moment comes that the cashier asks for his credit card. He hands it over, trying not to show his visible shake. The cashier swipes. Pauses. Swipes again. “Slicha…Zeh lo avar,” he tells the man in Hebrew, handing back the card.


Declined. The man bursts into tears.

Shimon Dushinsky and his wife Rivka used to support their family of 10 with a feeling of plenty. He was a teacher and she was a chef, and together they earned enough to live comfortably. They had everything they needed and loved to share the brachos that Hashem gave them with others; Their Shabbos table was always full of guests who enjoyed Rivka’s fantastic cooking and the warm, lively atmosphere that the Dushinsky home provided.


But several months ago, everything changed when Rivka received a dreaded diagnosis. The doctors said she only had a year to live. But less than 3 months later on a dreary October day, this mother of 10 was gone.

Things have been tough for the family ever since. Aside from the emotional trauma that the family suffers from losing their mother to cancer, Shimon Dushinsky struggles to make ends meet without his wife’s income. The father works overtime trying to compensate and the stress overwhelms him. In a tragic way, his children lost their father as well.


His daughter Sara’s recent engagement has been a great comfort for the family. Yet, it has brought Mr. Dushinsky’s fears to a whole new level. An emergency fund has been arranged to help Mr. Dushinsky marry his daughter off.




  1. It’s devastating when a breadwinner becomes ill and cannot work and/or a family loses a parent, but what does this have to do with feminism (or wives earning more than husbands)?

  2. Very sad plight, but as I know that these ads are written by a marketer not the actual people in distress I will speak my mind.
    The “grabbing” headlines of these “communicated” collection efforts are, in my opinion, disgusting.
    from “he wouldn’t wish this on his worst enemy” to the one above, the headlines seem to me like cheap, click-bait.
    Its as if there’s a secret tabloid newspaper that ends every article with a request for money.
    It seriously irks me.
    My belief is that you would get more donations by being frank and respectful rather than trying to catch by emotion those who click on this garbage.
    And to be fair, I dont think that you, dear headline writer, are not capable of writing better. It is just that you have been advised to do so this way, but you may want to hear some feedback.

  3. As long as the michutanim wear a white shirt and hat & jacket 24/7 with a filtered flip phone, the marriage is guaranteed to be successful.

  4. How dare you play on this family’s misery to attract clicks. Regardless of who writes the ad copy, I would never support a campaign based on this type of lie.
    As we say in Hebrew, titbayshu.
    And also, zeh lo avar. It didn’t work on me.

  5. Feminism is a Problem in Divorce cases especially in Lakewood where many women get restraining orders and have their husbands arrested on silly violations in an attempt to paint him as a criminal and obtain the upper hand in divorce proceedings such as money property assets and custody of the children and deny the Ex Husband any Joint custody or Visitation rights

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