Fighting Hatred With Achdus: Scheiner Shul Invites Forshay Community To Hachnosas Sefer Torah Today At 1 PM

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Achdus Opportunity!

Please read the message below from Rabbi Aron Lankry and Rabbi Daniel Aaron Coren of Bais Medrash Ohr Chaim and take advantage of the opportunity to come out together!

Achainu Bnai Yisrael and specifically the Forshay community, it is always scary when we hear about an attack but it is a completely different experience when it happens right next door to you. Children are panicked and parents are unsure what do to. This must be looked at as an opportunity to strengthen ourselves.

There is one proven method that Chazal have taught us and this is and has always been our strongest defense, Unity and Achdus. Today we have an opportunity to gather together for a Simcha, the greatest Simcha, a Simcha of renewal and of new beginnings, the Simcha of a new Sefer Torah being brought to life.

Today, there will be a Hachnasas Sefer Torah at 18 Forshay Road which will begin in Lazer Schiener’s home, 1 Ceila Court at approximately 1:30 pm and will proceed to Ohr Chaim at 18 Forshay Road.

Please come out and join us in this wonderful Simcha with your tefillos and we daven that this Simcha of renewal and new beginnings should herald in the dawn of a new day with the rebuilding of the Bais Hamikdosh.



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