Fire Devastates Chabad of Tallahassee Campus, Destroys Sifrei Torah

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A fire ripped through the campus of Chabad-Lubavitch of the Panhandle, in Tallahassee, Fla., gutting the newly renovated building and consuming the Chabad center’s Sifrei Torah.

The Tallahassee Fire Department confirmed that firefighters were dispatched to the Chabad center at 3:21 a.m. this morning. “Crews found fire showing and heavy smoke coming from the eaves,” the fire department wrote in a statement. The cause of the fire which ravaged the 11,000 square foot building is under investigation by the State Fire Marshal’s office.

Chabad-Lubavitch of the Panhandle was established in 2000 and serves the Jewish student population at Florida State University and the general Jewish community in Tallahassee and beyond. Rabbi Schneur Zalman Oirechman, co-director of Chabad-Lubavitch of the Panhandle, with his wife, Chanie, say the loss is devastating. “The Moris and Lillian Tabacinic Chabad Center served as a center for Jewish life for the last decade of our 23 years serving the Tallahassee Jewish community. It had become a beacon of light, full of the beauty and joy of Jewish life,” Oirechman told

Noting that nobody was injured, Oirechman says that the fire will not erase the goodness that spread forth from the physical structure. “While that is something no fire can negate, we are now faced with the destruction not only of the building, but of our Torah scrolls, literally hundreds of books, and our kitchen and all our other facilities,” he said.

“Chanie and I are shocked and overwhelmed by this terrible fire,” the rabbi said, declaring that it would not move them from their goal of providing a safe Jewish space for thousands of students and community members. “With G‑d’s help, we will yet build a stronger and brighter future out of the ashes,” he promised.


  1. Deep condolences , however it’s time to use Chabad centers to advocate Aliyah . Time for Chabad to recognize the State of Israel.

    • When Moshiach comes and reveals himself, then we’ll move to Eretz Yisroel. What’s the point or purpose of moving to secular Israel now? In chutz learetz, we can sit and learn Torah and keep Shabbos, without our government meddling in and forcing us to go into an immoral army. In chutz learetz there is freedom of religion. Unfortunately, in secular Israel, that is NOT the case.

  2. Moshiach won’t reveal himself if you keep lying. There’s more Torah in Israel than anywhere else in the world. You’re not forced into the army. Just register and you can learn or do community service. Also , stop shtender throwing in beis midrash and destroy families in intersect fighting. Chutz laretz is subject to chazal’s order of tumah.

  3. If you don’t want Eretz Yisrael why do you want mashiach ? He’s not building you homes nor giving you jobs. Your concept of mashiach is flawed.

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