Florida Lawmaker: Arrest The Federal Government’s Door To Door Vaccine Shills

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Florida state representative and U.S. House candidate Anthony Sabatini (R) tweeted Tuesday that a federal official knocking on people’s doors to pressure them to take the coronavirus vaccine “should be treated as a trespasser and ARRESTED.”

“Any Federal government employee that goes door to door pushing vaccination should be treated as a trespasser and ARRESTED,” Sabatini tweeted.

“We need to pass legislation to BAN this sick practice immediately,” he continued. “I’m currently looking at legislative options to file this year in the Florida Legislature.”

Anthony Sabatini told Breitbart News the Florida legislature should legally classify the door to door approach as trespassing and place a “blanket prohibition against door to door government solicitation of vaccines.”

“It’s not the role of the federal government,” Sabatini explained, “It’s unethical for the government to be converting [sic] citizens into private health care decisions and invading their medical privacy.”

Read more at Breitbart.



  1. Perhaps correct that it should be made illegal, but what right is there to arrest someone just for knocking on the door?
    This is a great example of fighting fire with oil.
    People should take a step back and evaluate sensible strategies to combat this governmental overreach. No one benefits in a tit for tat escalation

  2. “should be treated as a trespasser and ARRESTED.”

    Love it. A man has a right to protect his property. This is why the founders created the 2nd amendment. Despite what your local pervert Congressperson tells you, you have the right to defend yourself and your family.
    Do we work for the government or does the government work for us?

  3. Let’s take this to the ultimate level of absurdity. A person of dubious gender knocks on the door to warn you that a fire is smoldering in your house and that a helicopter is quickly losing altitude above your location. Do you shoot without warning, call police to have them arrested for trespassing, call your LOR for an eitzah or use the most uncommon of human qualities – common sense? Taiku!

  4. The new Covid vaccines are excessively dangerous deadly poisons, which, so far have killed well, well over 27,000 people throughout the world. So, for officials to go around promoting these harmful substances, is, understandably, a grave crime. For their agents to go trespass onto people’s private properties in order to go make the promotions up at people’s front doors, is certainly an even bigger crime. And if the promotions are really warnings to pressure and coerce and even force the people to take these dangerous concoctions, that is definitely a very, very big crime.

    So, Florida State Representative Anthony Sabatini is 1,000% CORRECT in calling for these agents who do this to be arrested and prosecuted.

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