Video Footage Shows Pilot In Crash That Killed 3 Bochurim Making Unsafe Maneuvers

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Footage circulating on social media shows the pilot from the downed plane that killed three Yeshiva boys, flying on a previous flight with another group of boys, and filming himself while making irresponsible maneuvers


  1. I don’t think it is appropriate to show this footage. this is a few minutes before these neshamos moved on and it does not show the best of them.

    • This is not footage of the boys that were R”L killed. This footage is from the previous flight that did B”H land safely. The clip is purposely shown to highlight the unsafe manner in which the pilot was showing off for the boys.

      The next flight with the other three boys did not go so well..

    • “flying on a previous flight with another group of boys, and filming himself while making irresponsible maneuvers”

      It was a previous flight with different boys. These are NOT the boys who were killed r”l.

      • Actually I hope it wasn’t the pilot who was filming while doing something so potentially dangerous. Lesson: when you’re driving, just drive & don’t do anything else. People have auto accidents all the time because they’re preoccupied.

    • You only watched the clip, but did not read the article. Be more intelligent than just looking at the pictures and videos.

    • You didn’t read the article. The boys in this footage survived. It was the subsequent flight which was tragic.

    • A little reading comprehension is needed before you made that comment:
      shows the pilot from the downed plane flying on a previous flight with another group of boys

    • The article states the video is from a previously flown flight. I agree it is not appropriate and the pilot was obviously quite negligent. May those who perished RIP.

    • I hear your point. I don’t necessarily agree, though the families’ permission should be requested first. It sounds like the boy is singing “Rabbeinu Nachman” & they’re having an innocent good time. My heart goes out to the families & to the kallah. May they be comforted by the memory of their sons’ goodness.

  2. Very appropriate and thought out. Would love to explore the need youvhad to do this. Moments before reaching בית דין של מעלה. Chas visholom it was someone in a family you knew or closer and someone else did that, how would it go over.

  3. Just to clarify, THESE ARE NOT THE BOCHURIM THAT WERE ON THE PLANE WHEN IT CAME DOWN R”L. It is the same plane and pilot, but not bochurim. Headline should be clarified

  4. if you wouldve read the article you wouldve seen that it says the footage is from earlier flight with differant group of boys

  5. This footage is never appropriate to show. And much else like it too. This is the thing. Nobody (who is medakdek) would chas veshalom speak lashon hora. The Chofetz Chaim and other tzadidkim made us aware and took care of that epidemic. So what does the yetzer hora do about it.


    This isn’t lashon hora, it’s news. What, we’re not supposed to know the news?!

    Guess what folks. It’s still lashon hora.

    • Great point! We should be more careful of what we post & click on. Though I don’t see how this is lashon hara. I don’t see what they were doing wrong, except for it being unsafe. (Oh yeah, that’s it then.)

  6. There goes the story that boys go to Uman and take these flights “in order to view kivrei Tzaddikkim.”
    That’s the story they tell their Roshei Yeshiva and their parents — who are then asked to pay for it.
    The pilot, however, knows what they’re really looking for.
    And that if he doesn’t deliver, no more business for him.

    Three boys are dead.
    A tragedy.
    But let’s not kid ourselves as to what they were up to.

    Kivrei Tzaddikim indeed.

  7. No these seem to be a different group of boys. The article says specifically its a different group of boys from a previous flight where the pilot seems to be doing dangerous stunts.

  8. To anonymous 7:28:21 7:07 PM
    I am in my upper fifties, & I still remember those days, they look like very sweet pure boys enjoying themselves, & the pilot isn’t asking them to sit still or stop, he doesn’t seem bothered by it, he very likely felt appreciated & happy that they were enjoying his service. Those manouvers have nothing to do with the flight, possiblly those ear plugs should be on, because of the defening sound, but it my not have been safe to pick them up.
    At least the families have a video of their last minutes, being happy minutes.
    I gather the other boys of the group were next, it was the fun part of the trip, all young and many older people like fun. I see nothing at all wrong with them enjoying themselves, although I personally wouldn’t do that trip or want my kids to do it, same goes for many theme park rides.
    It came their time, & the left us with a smiles on their faces.That is how they will be remembered.
    I am sure with such sweet pure smiles, they will be facing Beis din shel maaloh, how could they not be zochim bdin.
    They are so full of life & I am sure thay gave happiness & simcha & chizuk to so many in their short lives. They will be badly missed.
    Boruch Dayan hoemes Hamokom yenocheim eschem, bsoch shor aveilei tzion Veyrushalyim.

  9. What is the issue of showing this? These are different bochurim lehavdil bein chaim lchaim. The point is that the pilot is obviously irresponsible!

  10. It’s probably not ok but those boys are BH alive. It was other boys who went in the plane with the same pilot later today that were niftar as I understand.

  11. Well right here you see clear footage of a full fledged irresponsible pilot, which is synonymous to being a full fledged murderer!

  12. This is not the same bochurim. The article says this was a previous flight just showing how the pilot was flying irresponsibly.

  13. Bs”d Anonymous: it says that it is a film of a previous flight by the same pilot, with another group of boys. Matzav is trying to show that the pilot may have made risky maneuvers this time too. It would be helpful to have more info.

  14. 1) this video is not them.
    2) the whole point of the trip in these planes is for the stunts. Thats why they got in it.

  15. First of all, read the text correctly. It says this was a precious group of boys . Not the ones who were killed. And second of all why does this not show the best of them? Because they were having fun ? Nothing wrong , these boys learn a while year and now they are enjoying a little ? That is not good ? Shame on you.

  16. Anonymous, read the text. This was a previous flight.

    “Footage circulating on social media shows the pilot from the downed plane that killed three Yeshiva boys, flying on a previous flight with another group of boys, and filming himself while making irresponsible maneuvers”

  17. Matzav !! you should be ashamed of yourself for posting this Videos of Kedoshim, who were taken suddendly, not for their sins, but rather as a Kapara for all of us!! And exactly because of behaviour like that, Posting of the like here, such horrific things happen to Klal Yisroel. Where is the Kvoid Chavero, Kvod Haniftar ?? We just finished Beyn Hametzorim, Tisha B’av, is that we you have to show as a frum website??? Really? Thats the SAD Matzav, we’ve come to? That’s what we show the Aybeshter? Did it occur to you, for a second not, what pain you cause to the parents, family friend and any Yid, by posting this video? Aren’t they suffering enough? And how will you ask Mechila from the Niftarim for posting this video and all the potential Motzi Shem Ra, Lashon Horah, wrong impression you caused, it’s outright descpicable, ….. And last but least, how would you like chas veshalom, Hashem should never test YOU or anyone in Klal Yisroel anymore, if you’re life was exposed in public like that, in a painful event did you ever think about that? I guess not, as all you’re out for is the create a “MATZAV” on the chesbon of someone else, you should be ashamed of yourself !! I’m asking you to IMMEDIATELY remove this posting, IMMEDIATELY !!

    • Perle.
      You should be ashamed of yourself for not having read the article before lashing out at the Matzav editor.

      My guess is that this is not the first time in your life that you have assumed the worst of your fellow human beings.

      Think about it.

  18. is the only Way for you to create a “MATZAV” do it it with another Yid’s pain? Another Yid’s Tzaar? What a SAD “MATZAV”

  19. Matzav ! i see you removed my posting, why? you know, !! i saved a copy and will send it around and to aprropriate people and rabbinical people in charge of Matzav !!! Shame on you, there is a reason you remove an honest report !! how impressive !!

  20. Young carefree kids having a good time, but to show this now, after they are no longer alive is insensitive and unfair to not only the neshamos, but to their families and klall yisroel. The parents are hoping to get back some remains to make a proper kevurah and you put this up?

  21. So many comments from so many people so eager to criticize.

    So many people so eager to give mussar, yet so lacking in the middah of first making sure they know what they’re talking about, for instance by actually READING the story. (Or so lacking in limmud zechus that the article was read through a filter that defaults to seeing the worst in everyone else.)

    Great mussar here for those who love to give mussar.
    Perhaps some of them need to look in the mirror and consider what is it about their personalities that makes them so eager to criticize.

    • Thanx for giving ME mussar. Now, can I give mussar to the one who is giving us mussar? And then you can give mussar to us who are giving you mussar? In this way we can all victimize the victim, since we’re all victims.

      • I’ll put it simply: Look how many commentators here engaged in self-righteous criticism despite never having ascertained the facts (ie. READ THE ARTICLE!!!).

        WHat does this say about them?

        Perhaps that they are the types whose default is to think the worst of others?

        If so, they need to look in the mirror.

  22. 1) These are not the kids that were killed.
    2)This video is from a previous flight, for other members of this group from the Mir.
    3)This video shows that being “Young carefree kids having a good time” is what got the second group killed.
    4)This is because their “having a good time” meant (for them) a repeat of the dangerous activity filmed here.
    5) The pilot then gave them what they expected.
    6)And this killed them.
    7)They died because the “good times” to be had in Eretz Yisroel were not sufficiently thrilling for them. So they went to Ukraine instead, for the kind of “good times” that are so dangerous that no civilized government would allow them.
    8)They do this under cover of “visiting kivrei tzaddikkim.”

    I wonder what kind of Torah they’re learning in the Mir.
    Such vapidness.


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