FOR SHAME: House Passes Bill Protecting Toeivah Marriage, Sends to Biden for Signature

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The House of Representatives gave final approval today to a bill that reaffirms the legality of same-gender marriage — a relationship that the Torah deems “toeivah” — sending it to President Biden and ending long-running debates about the issue.

The legislation passed 258-169 with 39 House Republicans voting in favor, fewer than in a prior vote in July. The Senate passed the bill 61-36 in late November.

“The Respect for Marriage Act will help prevent right-wing extremists from upending the lives of loving couples, traumatizing kids across the country and turning back the clock on hard-won progress,” House Speaker Nancy Pelosisaid, adding, “it tears the bigoted, unconstitutional Defense of Marriage off the books for good.”



  1. When asked whether she would take a bow, and take some credit for getting this bill passed, Speaker Pelosi told reporters on Thursday: “Sorry about that one, but it says, ‘Toe’avas Hashe_ kol giva lev’. And I certainly don’t want to be a Toeivah in the eyes of the Almighty, so I’m not going to engage in haughtiness.”

  2. Marriage is a religious term. It is not merely a legal terms. If two people lived on an island without any government, can they be married? Certainly. It is certainly not a scientific term. There is not scientific indication or tool to detect if one is married on or not. Therefore, married or marriage is a religious term where a religion deems a couple to be obligated to each other. The federal gov’t has no right to dictate the definition of marriage. It is the same as the gov’t dictating what is pure or impure, what is kosher or not kosher, what is a sin or a mitzvah.

  3. The Law is unconstitutional” one nation under God”,therefore Biden cannot sign it.
    This Law discriminates against minorities. The Law does not provide for the rest of Americans to be able to marry their mother father sister or brother! This is very discriminatory in nature and has to be inclusive otherwise it’s an abomination and an insult to the minority of Americans!
    Animals have rights humans don’t very insulting. Besides murder is illegal and this law says murdering two people is legal.

  4. talk to the chassidim in New York

    when will they stop supporting the evil DEMS, for some more food boxes or food stamps you give away everything???, its like the doir hamabul!!!

  5. talk to the chassidim in New York

    when will they stop supporting the evil DEMS, for some more food boxes or food stamps you give away everything???, its like the doir hamabul!!!

  6. I only care what השם designated & delineated this repugnant act in קריאת התורה ליום-כיפור מנחה:- TO’EVO תועבה and I really don’t care what anyone else has to say about this reprehensible activity

  7. There is a great expression in Yiddish that describes this.

    עולם גולם

    דער וועלט איז א גולם

    We know how slick marketing can fool masses of people. That is exactly what happened here. They were conned by marketers who sold them immorality and Biblical abomination in the guise of “human rights”.

  8. A huge amount of the shame is that, very, VERY tragically, a huge number of our B’nei Yisroel brethren — who are obviously EXTREMELY far away from the truth of Torah — have been in the lead of pushing & promoting these acceptances of Toeiva, often against the, totally correct, fierce objections of countless non-Jews, who are often merely pointing to our own Torah HaK’dosha (which they call the “Holy Bible”) that glaringly declares that Toeiva is exceedingly terrible.

    It is thus an excessively horrific Chillul Hashem — an excessively horrific desecration of Hashem’s Name and disgrace to our Jewish nation — that in 2013, the Israeli Jewish newspaper Haaretz ran a story quoting then Vice President wicked Biden remarking that it was JEWISH LEADERS who got us to change our views toward (Toeiva) (from being strongly against it to being strongly in favor of it).

  9. (I am posting here remarks I made at earlier Matzav reports on this issue, for their crucial message cannot be repeated enough.)

    I WAS THERE at his “Thursday Night Lecture” at his Beis Medrosh when, over 42 years ago, Rav Avigdor Miller, ZT’L, vehemently thundered at this tragic horrific phenomenon of Jewish people being in the forefront of promoting and pushing the corruptions and perversions of the so-called “Modern World.”

    It was part of several remarks he made regarding the problem then that the US Supreme Court had declared that a large group of local Nazis, Yimach Shemam, had the legal right to stage a huge demonstration–march in Skokie, Illinois. It was well known that the Chicago suburb of Skokie had a very large number of us B’nei yisroel who had went through but somehow survived the horrific horrors of the World War II European Churban. So it was obvious that the Nazi’s choosing Skokie for the place to make their demonic demonstration was to sadistically taunt these injured people.

    Understandably. the minds of American Jewish communities were shot with the gripping fear of: “(CHAS V’SHALOM) ‘IT’ COULD HAPPEN HERE!!”

    Rav Miller pointed out that it was (obviously exceedingly misguided) JEWISH lawyers (or lawyers with Jewish sounding names) of the leftist leaning American Civil Liberties Union who had represented the Nazis in their court cases for their march. He further pointed out that in Germany, highly-secularized-away-from-Torah-Jews had been promoting efforts of so-called “modern” trends that weakened and broke down the strength and morals of society. So when the Nazis, Yimach Shemam V’Zichram, emerged and eventually took over the country, with Hitler, Yimach Shemo V’Zichro, proclaiming that “The Jews” were the ones who were causing all the problems, it understandable that the vast masses of German people thought in the back of their minds: “Wow!! This guy Adolf Hitler really knows what he is talking about!!”

    Rav Miller angrily exclaimed: “That’s what happened in Germany, and the same thing is happening here!!” “Italians ARE ABHORRED at (that time the big Toeiva issue was) that the New York City Council wants to give equal rights to (Toeiva people)!!” “And who are the ones who are pushing (Toeiva) rights?????” “Jews!!!!!!!!!”

    Rav Miller thus forcefully concluded:

    “EVERY Jewish person must be brought to Torah!!” “EVERY Jewish child must be in a Yeshiva!!” “Because if a Jew is not with Torah, (the problem is not only that, for example, he will not observe Shabbos; the problem is not only that, for example, he will not eat Kosher, the problem is that) he will become A PHYSICAL DANGER to the Jewish people!!!!!!!!!”

  10. To A Chillul Hashem: Let me just remind the world that the gentiles share the blame for not frum Jews’ actions. For hundreds of years in Europe we were persecuted and ridiculed which led many Jewish people to go astray and begin to hate themselves.

    • Shuey. That isn’t emes, even if it’s technically true that the gentiles, particularly Christians, have murdered, maimed and otherwise tortured or harassed millions of Jews over the ages.

  11. This is actually the legacy of Trump- he brought his friend Robert Thiel (open hashchasa) in to introduce him as the 2016 GOP convention, announcing that the GOP no longer cares about morality.
    He seems more and more like a Democrat plant.

    • It’s more complicated than that. Trump won in 2016 because many Democrats didn’t want to vote for Clinton. Trump won them over. There’s many videos of supporters of non-GOPs claiming that they wanted to vote for Trump.

      The infiltration goes back to _Chenney who was open to Pro-LGBT marriage because of his _daughter.

      • 1. we could challenge her from the right in a primary
        2. if she looses where it is clear that the Orthodox community voted against her because of this vote (for example a 3rd party run) the republicans would never do this again in that district.

  12. If you don’t support someone’s lifestyle that’s your prerogative, but the verbal abuse and hateful shaming is inexcusable.

  13. It’s interesting how when others call out actual issues within our community, we scream “antisemitism”, and yet our collective hate and intolerance to other groups, is so much worse.

  14. Unlike others here, I have actually read the bill. It does not do what the article claims. It simply requires that all states recognize all marriages performed in other states. It should not be required at all because the US Constitution already requires all states to respect the legal actions of all other states. It does not require any state to change it’s laws as to what marriages it allows to be performed within it’s borders. The only novelty is that the law extends this to marriages performed outside the US which is important for immigrants.

    And there is another thing about the new law. It puts a really strong protection into federal law for religious institutions. This is a humongous plus! The law should have been passed unanimously!!!!!

    • I read the bill and the Constitution (which despite the unconstitutional decisions in 13 and 15 do not say anything about same gender “marriage”)

      this evil bill forcing anyone (which this evil bill forces the federal government to accept a same gender “marriage” as well as other states) to accept same gender “marriage” which is considered by chazal to be one of the worst possible avayras.

      the real purpose of this evil bill as multiple lgbt activists have said though is to make same gender “marriage” have the will of the people behind it instead of 9 people in black robes.
      Anyone who doesn’t oppose this evil bill is a rasha gamur.

      Charlie Hall shem riashyim yirkav is a mesis umodiach who hates god and his torah.


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