For The First Time, Foie Gras Gets Glatt-Kosher Stamp

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The Chief Rabbinical Council of Israel approved this week the importation of glatt-kosher certified foie gras to Israel—an item that has not been non-glatt-kosher in the past.

A member of the Chief Rabbinical Council, Rabbi Simcha Weiss, together with geese experts Professor Ari Z. Zivotofsky and Rabbi Roei Ginon from Chief Rabbinate, visited a slaughterhouse in Hungary last year operating under the EMIH‒Hungarian Jewish Community Association, headed by Chabad Rabbi Shlomo Köves, to closely monitor the process of fattening the birds.

Upon his return to Israel, a team was set up in order to develop a program to allow the importation of goose-liver products with a glatt-kosher certification.

This week, the Rabbinical Council approved the committee’s recommendations.

Csengele kosher slaughterhouse in Hungary has become the first (and for now, the only) to receive glatt-kosher certification for goose liver.

Importers of foie gras will now have to meet a number of new requirements in order for goose liver to be certified with as a glatt-kosher stamp, according to a document detailing the requirements developed by the Chief Rabbinical Council.

Among other things, it is required that the breeding and fattening farms be located within the same site.

The document also stipulates that food for the geese should minimize the chances of esophageal injury to the birds. For example, corn kernels should be prepared in such a way so that they would not retain any coarse and sharp edges, or contain any whole grains in the mix. It was also mandated that feeding should be executed through a silicone tube without any sharp points.

The new regulations also call for supervisors to be made available to carry out inspections at the site of fattening and to closely monitor this process. In addition, slaughterhouses will have to be checked routinely by a mashgiach. JNS.ORG



    • while that may be so how does that impact kashrus rules? as long as the bird isnt injured in the process what would be the kashrus issue? besides the ethical one?

      • ethical issue? It’s an averra of a mitzva in HaTorah. The meat of the bird was produced through an avera, so no matter how good the kashrus aspect, that should render the meat assur. Don’t you think so?

        • is it an avera if it benefits a human and doesnt actually maime the animal? Also would you consider giving low quality feed tzar also? maybe too cold water? where do you draw the line between actual pain or severe discomfort
          and or also being slightly uncomfortable?

          • Read (2) below of commentator 12:43 pm. He quotes the Rashba who holds that it is tzar baalei chaim.

    • it’s a very old discussion if fioe graas is kosher for various reasons, and this is a point raised, however believe it or not it isn’t really painful with the modern equipment used

    • Tzar balei chaim is only if one inflicts pain for no reason.
      Whether you like this reason or not, it is done for the sake of a regarded benefit. Thus not over the aveirah at all.

  1. the word “GLATT” conotates the checking of the lungs and finding the lungs SMOOTH of any ABABUOS….. a signs of the animal being non kosher – treif.

    Foie Gras is POULTRY. Poultry – chickens, geese – etc do NOT need lung checking.

    Hence no “GLATT” on Foie Gras *****

    now, back to your Yorah Deah !!!!!!!!!!!

  2. In the desert – for 40 years – the SLOV bird came from the Heavens to the Israelite nation.

    the year 2020, and the slov has made its return !!!!!!!!!!!!!

  3. Rav Moshe has a teshuva about Foie Gras. I don’t remember the whole Teshuva and how he comes out halacha l’maasah but he doesn’t approve of it for a few reasons
    (1)Forced feeding frequently causes the goose to be a treifah.
    (2)The Rashba which says that any unpleasant non common usage of farm animals is prohibited for Tzar Baaley Chaim
    (3)Either Rav Moshe or others also brings the Rema that even common usage of farm animals is something we stay away from if there is achzrios involved

  4. People are getting sick by the thousands, the economy is “tanking”; people are unemployed and running out of money but Barukh Hashem Israel can import GLATT KOSHER Foie Gras! This is such good news.

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