Frum Couple’s Story Ended Up All Over The News

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Never in her wildest dreams did Tamar Edelman* think that she would end up on the front page headlines of almost every Jewish website…

Yet after a strange twist of events, that’s exactly what happened.

The story begins fifteen years ago, when Tamar tragically became an orphan at the age of only seven years old. After growing up in an orphanage, Tamar knew that shidduchim wouldn’t be simple, and when she was pleasantly surprised when she was suggested to a boy from a remarkable family. When she finally did met Eli, she saw that he was a byproduct of sterling chinuch. And when he asked him to marry her a month later, with absolute clarity, she said yes.

Despite it being the happiest time in their lives, things have gotten complicated for the engaged couple since after already marrying off two children in the past couple of months, Eli’s parents are struggling to pay even the most basic expense towards the upcoming wedding without anyone of the Kallah’s side to help financially. The unusual story made it was to Rav Asher Weiss, who wrote the following emotional letter. Rav Asher Weiss requested it to be publicized across various Jewish news channels:

“24 Iyar 5782

I have come with a request from the depths of my heart to our brothers Bnei Yisroel who are merciful and do kindness: Come to the aid of a special person, a great talmid chacham who teaches Torah. He is a very modest person and now has to marry off his son but he is unable to pay even the most basic expenses, as he just married off his previous children. The kallah is also an orphan and her family is not able to help at all.

It is an enormous mitzvah to help this great and modest talmid chacham, to bring his son under the chuppah, and a double mitzvah in helping an orphaned kallah to get married. Please have mercy on this dear person and come to his aid urgently. Your merit is multiplied in Shamayim to be blessed with everything good.

I beg of you

Asher Weiss”

This month, Tamar will either get married to Eli and be able to finally have a family to call her own–Or she will have no choice but to walk away from him forever.Donate here to help walk this couple down the aisle this month towards a happy future, and to personally receive Rav Asher Weiss’s much sought-after Brachos foryour schar to be multiplied in shamayim and to be blessed with everything good!

*Names changed to protect privacy



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