Gantz Attacks Netanyahu For Living In U.S.

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Former IDF chiefs of staff Benny Gantz intensified his criticism of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and made it personal at an event in which he revealed the joint Israel Resilience-Telem list Tuesday night at the Tel Aviv Fairgrounds.

“When I lay in muddy foxholes with my soldiers on frozen winter nights, you, Benjamin Netanyahu, left Israel to improve your English and practice it at luxurious cocktail parties,” Gantz said. “On the days when I commanded the Shaldag combat unit in life-threatening operations on enemy soil, you, Benjamin Netanyahu, worked your way bravely and determinedly between makeup sessions in television studios. While I trained generations of commanders and fighters, you took acting lessons in a New York studio.”

“In a month and a half, we will all choose between a ruler who has English from Boston, heavy makeup, and luxury suits – and an Israeli leadership which is real, caring, authentic and not phony,” Gantz said.

He summarized the election by saying that “Israel must choose: either Bibi [Netanyahu] before all – or Israel before all.”

Read more at JPOST.



  1. We will not vote for anyone who trained generations of commanders and fighters how to expel Jews from their homes in their homeland but rather for someone who lived out of Israel for some time to learn the language.

  2. Whether you love Netanyahu, hate him, or are somewhere in between, this personal attack is outrageous. Netanyahu has served in combat multiple times, on the front lines, and even been shot.

  3. Gantz is an evil double talking phony who was a failed commander. Bombing those empty fields must have altered his brains.

    • Carl: This is obviously another “I Hate Boston” charade from people who hate calling The Hub “Title Town”.

      In a recent poll of sports fans across the US, the most “hated” professional sports teams were:

      Hockey – Boston Bruins
      Baseball – Boston Red Sox
      Football – New England Patriots

      I would not take Gantz’s criticism too seriously.

      • Cheesy: It’s not just the Boston sports teams that are vilified, but also many individual Boston players, including yourself, Turk Sanderson, Carl Schilling, Clemens, Ted (Williams), Tommy 12, etc. etc. etc.

        This guy Gantz must have had his head messed up while he was in the Army.

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