Germany: We Will Execute ICC Warrant Against Netanyahu

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Germany will detain Israeli Prime Minister Bibi Netanyahu if the International Criminal Court issues an arrest warrant against him, a German government spokesman said Wednesday.

Asked by reporters in Berlin if Germany would execute an ICC warrant against Netanyahu and Israeli Defense Minister Yoav Gallant, Steffen Hebestreit, a spokesman for German Chancellor Olaf Scholz, said, “Of course. Yes, we abide by the law,” Politico reported.

ICC’s Pre-Trial Chamber justices are considering an application by top prosecutor Karim Khan to charge the two Israeli officials with “war crimes and crimes against humanity.”

The Palestinian Authority has already declared its acceptance of the ICC’s jurisdiction over alleged crimes committed by the Jewish state. However, Yerushalayim does not recognize the tribunal’s jurisdiction over Israel Defense Forces actions in the Gaza Strip, Yehuda and Shomron.

If the court in The Hague greenlights the warrants, it would constitute an “unprecedented antisemitic hate crime,” Netanyahu warned late last month after initial reports surfaced of Khan’s intentions.

The ICC prosecutor’s is requesting warrants against Netanyahu and Gallant for crimes including “causing extermination, causing starvation as a method of war, including the denial of humanitarian relief supplies [and] deliberately targeting civilians in conflict,” Khan told CNN on Monday.

Separate charges against Hamas terrorist leader in Gaza Yahya Sinwar, “political” leader Ismail Haniyeh and “military” chief Mohammed Deif include “extermination, murder, taking of hostages, rape and sexual assault in detention,” Khan said.

Following Khan’s announcement, Germany declared that it respects the independence of the court in The Hague. “The International Criminal Court is a fundamental achievement of the international community that Germany has always supported. Germany respects its independence and the conduct of proceedings just as it does for all other international courts,” stated Berlin’s Federal Foreign Office.

Germany noted, however, that “the simultaneous applications for arrest warrants for the Hamas leadership on the one hand and the two Israeli officials on the other have resulted in an incorrect implication of equivalence.”

The missive went on to note that, “The Court will have a host of difficult questions to answer here, including in particular the question as to its jurisdiction and the complementarity of investigations carried out by affected states governed by the rule of law, which include Israel.”

Israeli Ambassador to Germany Ron Prosor took to X on Tuesday to criticize what he described as “the weak statements we hear from some institutions and political actors” in the wake of Khan’s announcement.

“The Chief Prosecutor equates a democratic government with Hamas, thereby demonizing and delegitimizing Israel and the Jewish people. He has completely lost his moral compass. Germany has a responsibility to readjust this compass,” he tweeted.

“The German’ Staatsräson’ is now being put to the test—no ifs or buts,” in reference to former Chancellor Angela Merkel’s famous pledge about Israel’s security being Germany’s “reason of state.”

On Tuesday, an Israeli government spokeswoman urged the “nations of the civilized world” to disregard the warrants if the court issues them.



  1. Germany will always be Germany! Meanwhile, we yiddin are are buying up German products like there’s no tomorrow!
    Buy Audi,
    Buy BMW,
    Buy Mercedes!
    Etcetera! Enrich the German economy!

    • How dare you tell the rich & famous how to spend their money! They can drive whatever their heart desires. Can’t you fargin the powerful and haughty?

    • A nazi is a nazi is a nazi is a nazi. Once a nazi always a nazi.
      I wouldn’t buy a nazi (german) car, shaver, stereo, or any other product. The german nazi cars still put “Daimler” name on a sticker in their windshield. That same “Daimler” name appears on the doors to the gas chambers and crematorium in Auschwitz. german engineering.

  2. Germany will always be Germany! Meanwhile, we yiddin are are buying up German products like there’s no tomorrow!
    Buy Audi,
    Buy BMW,
    Buy Mercedes!
    Etcetera! Enrich the German economy!
    With backstabbing friends like Biden, Norway, Sweden, Columbia, Germany and others! Know who your friends are and who will backstab you! Like Obambi said, Hey Israel, we got your back – YEAH, WITH A DAGGER IN OUR HAND!

  3. Why won’t Israel clearly declare that an arrest of any government official will be taken as a declaration of war and will act accordingly.

    • Because no it isn’t worth going to war and risking Yiddeshe Neshomas over a thing like that. Yes Netanyahu will probably never be able to go to Germany and various other countries again . Yes, the motivation of the ICC and co is antisemitism. Even so you don’t risk Yiddisher Neshomas over this

  4. Israel: We Will Execute A Criminal Warrant Against The Entire Nation Of Germany
    “Israel will soon execute a criminal warrant against the entire nation of Germany for inflicting upon European Jewry – approximately 80-years ago – one of the worst genocides ever known to mankind”, an Israeli government spokesman announced Wednesday.
    Asked by reporters if Israel would execute a criminal warrant against the German nation for its past crimes of genocide that were perpetrated against all of European Jewry, a spokesman for Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, said, “Of course. Yes, we abide by the law, and we adhere to common sense and justice.”
    A spokesman for German Chancellor Olaf Scholz conceded to reporters on Wednesday that: “If Netanyahu greenlights the aforementioned warrant against the German nation, it would constitute an “unprecedented act of righteousness and justice, and a justified and well-deserved act of retribution against an evil, sadistic, cold-blooded and mass-murdering nation.”
    However, on Thursday, a former spokeswoman for the late Nazi Fuhrer, Adolph Hitler, urged what he referred to as the “despised jewish people of Israel” to “disregard the warrants against the German nation if the Israeli courts issue them.”

  5. The ICC’s and all their collaborators main intent is to minimize the atrocities committed by Hamas on 10/7 and subsequently, by suggesting with this equivalence that what Hamas has done ups no more heinous than the actions of Israel

    It is all to minimize and legitimize the barbarism of the Palestinian chayos

  6. Stop visiting and touring Europe. Your place is in Eretz Yisrael, not in European – once Jewish sites and cemeteries. Spare the pictures , Pesach programs, Shvuos cheesecake holidays, and tour guides’ lectures. Don’t spend a nickel there, have some pride.

  7. “Steffen Hebestreit, a spokesman for German Chancellor Olaf Scholz, said, “Of course. Yes, we abide by the law,” Politico reported.” -they like taking orders. Oi.


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