GET OUT NOW: Cuomo Says He Will Have To Raise Taxes

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New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo said Wednesday his state will have to raise taxes even if Congress and the White House agree on a coronavirus relief/stimulus package of benefits that provides funding to local governments.

“If Washington gives us some of it, then we’re going to have to redo a budget,” Cuomo said during a briefing with reporters. “We’re going to have to raise taxes — I believe we’re going to have to raise taxes, at the end of the day, in any event. The question is, how much in tax?”

The governor offered no hints as to which taxes he would try to raise, and aides also were non-committal, The Wall Street Journal said. However, state employee layoffs and borrowing were on the table.

“New York is one of the highest taxed states in the nation, and raising taxes will result in the continuation of the exodus from this state,” State Senate Minority Leader Robert Ortt, R-Niagara County, said in a statement.

Read more at NEWSMAX.



  1. They don’t HAVE to raise taxes. They want to.They can always cut spending instead,

    If twenty percent of NYS&NYC workers were fired no harm would come to anyone other than those who lost their jobs.

    • Exactly, and the Dems feel that you the taxpayer have a moral obligation to make sure that they are employed even though they aren’t needed for the job. And worse than their salaries that they are paid, is the pensions that we will be stuck with

    • Same with the Federal government, I keep saying if you send 50% of the government workers home the government will still be running as usual even better.

  2. Nimrod is an evil tyrant who needs to be impeached by the NYS Assembly immediately. The problem is, the NYS Assembly is so corrupt and in on the take, we will never get out of this cesspool.

    • you cannot impeach governor in NYS. Besides, there is a supermajority in the state senate thanks to the stupid voters in ny who just don’t get it so we’re stuck with this moron. Ditto the mayor who this governor wouldn’t even suspend for an allowed 30 days after he botched the riots in June and now even more so destroyed ny probably irreversibly. In other states, such as California, a recall is allowed which is being done with that inept governor newsome.

  3. Why not give all elected officials a pay cut. Let them be in the same boat as “John Q. Public”. Spread the pain for once.

    • Because the ashkans would starve without their political patrons. Politicians aren’t altruistic. It’s fame and fortune and narcissism.

  4. Everyone wants to cut someone else’s program.

    Let’s start by eliminating textbooks and transportation for yeshivot. And cut NYPD patrols in frum neighborhoods. Since commenters here don’t want higher taxes they should support those cuts.


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