Giuliani: Reagan Would Have Hit Iran Before the First Missile Got to Israel

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Rudy Giuliani, the ex-Mayor of New York City, contended on Newsmax 2 that the appropriate reaction to Iran’s assault on Israel would have been to swiftly strike Iran at the outset of the attack.

He asserted that such action would have mirrored the approach taken by former President Ronald Reagan when confronted with comparable situations.

“I really do think we’re missing an opportunity, a historic opportunity here — if we had a president like my old boss in the White House,” he said. “Every time [when] I was mayor and I had to make a difficult decision, I would say, ‘What would Ronald Reagan do?’ I know what Ronald Reagan would do right now. He would have hit Iran before their first missile got to Israel. And he would have taken out every nuclear facility he could. He would have been trying to look for an opportunity to do that for years.”

“Now, we take out their nuclear facilities, here’s what the traitors who run our government would say — they’ll say, ‘Oh, they’ll just build it back up again.’ That will take them 10 years to do. Also, if you really know what is going on inside Iran, if we were to hit them before they hit us, it would destroy them. They obviously are a frightened enemy. You wouldn’t do an attack like this unless you were timid. The best thing to do with a frightened enemy is knock them out. The best defense is a bold offense. This is our opportunity to end the reign of terror that we should have been looking for.”



  1. The same President Reagan who criticized Prime Minister Begin for bombing the Iraqi reactor and then had the chutzpah to call Prime Minister Begin to help Americans in Lebanon?


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