Glenn Beck Apologizes for Comparing Reform Judaism to Radical Islam

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glen-beckGlenn Beck apologized and retracted his statement about Reform Judaism on his show yesterday. Folding to pressure from all sides about the comment that offended many, Beck said:

I was wrong on this. I also apologize for it… I’ve always told you to do your own homework and in this case I didn’t do enough homework.

On Tuesday, Glenn Beck compared Reform Judaism to radical Islam in an apparent dig at George Soros. Glenn’s comment, that Reform Rabbis resemble radical Islamists because they let politics overshadow their religious beliefs, prompted considerable outrage, most notably from the Anti-Defamation League. Abe Foxman, the chairman of the Anti-Defamation League, is old friends with Fox News president Roger Ailes.

Beck penned the following letter as well:

Mr. Foxman,
I just wanted to write to you personally and thank you for bringing to my attention the inaccurate comments I made on Tuesday. I was admittedly misinformed on Reform Rabbis and made a horrible analogy that I immediately attempted to clarify-quite honestly, I blew it on this one. When I believe I’m right, I am always willing to defend my ground. But, when I make a mistake, I hope you understand that I am willing to say so. It is why I led my show today with an admission that I was wrong and an apology to everyone I offended-within Reform Judaism and throughout the Jewish community.
Glenn Beck



  1. Politics by and large ARE their religious beliefs. Sadly, there are few reform leaders these days who don’t even know what they don’t know. Can’t get your show in my market (WADR, don’t know if I’d listen) so I don’t know exactly what you said.

  2. The Muslims and Reform Jews go to shul about the same amount of times to Shul every year “O” times … so thats pretty much the same kind of people

    The sad part is that muslims don’t eat Pork and Reform do..

  3. The sad thing is that the comment is true. Well, almost true. Reform rabbis have very few sacred religious beliefs. In their worldview, a political issue can easily become religious in its importance. Since everything is up for discussion and/or removal, the fact that something is a religious “custom” can easily be done away with by saying that the political issue is of greater importance, and is truly G-d’s will. Sad, isn’t it?

  4. where did Glen Beck move to?Does he have a new program?Anybody know? I am a fan of his on radio and if anyone knows where is went, please let me know. Thanks

  5. It’s, obviously, a ridiculous comparison. But, our Reform and Conservative brothers and sisters have a different problem: they’ve been robbed, usually through no fault of their own, of a rich and dynamic heritage, that their ancestors were willing to die for (and, often, did). There are so many opportunities today to explore this heritage – I urge them to give it a try.

  6. I really don’t understand why the frum community thinks that media lowlifes like Beck,Hannity and Limbaugh are such great people. These people are the lowest of the low and make their living bashing people who are actually doing things to help people. They are worse and more immoral then most (not all) pop and movie stars who at least provide entertainment without knocking others down.

  7. i don’t understand why the frum community thinks that media lowlifes like Beck,Hannity and Limbaugh are such great people. These people are the lowest of the low and make their living bashing people who are actually doing things to help people. They are worse and more immoral then most (not all) pop and movie starts who at least provide entertainment without knocking others down.

  8. I would encourgae everyone to read Norman Podhoretz’ recent book “Why Are Jews Liberal.” For the reform (and, by and large, conservatives), liberalism IS their religion.
    For an abbreviated version, see his online Wall St Journal piece, 9/10/09 (just google his name, it is the second listing). Gee… does Mr. Pohoretz need to apologize as well?

  9. he should spend time in different jewish communities and find out our different outlooks and styles before he speaks, it would be good on his end and it would represent Jews much more effectively

  10. Jews are liberal because Torah calls upon us to be so. That does not mean be permissive. Thats where antiliberals like comment number 14 get hung up. But that said, Mr. Beck gets it at a certain level. The reform and conservative rabbis dont practice Judaism. His comparison was a little bit off the wall but it does call into light the inconsistency of antitorah Judaism. Reform is not liberal. Its permissive.

  11. Torah is Liberal
    So many these days want to illigitimize liberal ideals. The religious right both non Jewish as well as Jewish persons claim that liberalism is ungodly. Not at all.
    Liberalism is what brought the American Revolution, the Constitutional Government and many more changes in humanity.
    Torah actually is an example of liberalism. The idea that a people might up their roots to find a new home in the holy land is a liberal idea (from Egypt). The idea that we might have a celestial book of laws is liberal. These are examples of a liberal minded Creator.

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