Going Kosher at the Super Bowl

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super-bowl-xlvii-in-the-superdome-in-new-orleansWhile there might not be a kosher tailgating party at the Super Bowl in New Orleans, La., today, there are definitely kosher options for Jewish visitors at the game and all weekend long, says Rabbi Mendel Rivkin of Chabad-Lubavitch of Louisiana.

At the Superdome, there will be a glatt kosher food cart located on the fifth floor concourse, outside Section 543, under the supervision of the Louisiana Kosher Committee, and there are two kosher restaurants under LKC supervision that deliver to locations downtown and in the French Quarter: Kosher Cajun and Casablanca.

{Andy Heller-Matzav.com Newscenter}


  1. In what way is going to a sports game nauseating? Waste of time I could understand, but know worse than the thousands of frum yidden who will be watching the game today!

  2. Live&letlive. I have no problem if you or anyone wants to be involed in the Super Bowl. But why do we have to kasher it and put it up in the Frum papers etc… Do what you want but let us live as a torah Jews without having this pushed in our faces.

  3. No average Joe is getting in the Super Bowl! This whole article is a joke! All the tickets are owned & given to Corporations. It is impossible for a regular guy to decide, yes I want to go to the S.B. this year. Let me call up the NFL, give them my cc#, and done deal! Stop with all this nonsense already! Every 3rd grader knows this whole Super Bowl deal is a FARCE!

  4. I was recently in New Orleans for several days on a business trip and was most grateful that there were 2 kosher restaurants there, one of which also was a small kosher market. I didn’t see many other consumers when I was there. If going to the Super Bowl can give them an economic boost and provide food for those that either wouldn’t eat or might not be so strict in their choices, then I say it is an opportunity for everyone to participate in a mitzvah.

    Judy Waldman
    Yacht Broker

  5. Nothing kosher about new orleans nothing kosher about the super bowl. As the saying goes the basar meis might be kosher but the basar chai is super treif.

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