GOOD FOR THE PRICES: Secular Jews Crowd Chareidi Supermarkets

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In a survey of chareidi supermarkets, Haaretz discovered that a third of their clientele are non-religious Jews taking advantage of rock-bottom prices.

Non-brand name products at such stores often cost half or two-thirds the price of identical products carrying brand names like Osem.

In addition, chareidi supermarkets offer bulk packaging of products for a lower price and pay suppliers for larger orders, helping their products sell for 15 to 22% lower than at regular outlets. This helps chareidi families survive on incomes 40% lower than those of regular families.

{ Israel}


  1. good for the prices, good for their chessed, good for their everything… but still hate them and do everything to stop them from continuing to do the good they are doing. There was a chareidi hating report on arutz 2 a few weeks ago revealing the ‘secret askanim” that are pushing chareidim in front of the lines by the doctors. What a sin! what they failed to point out is that anyone contacting these chareidim get service; even chilonim. They dont make money off it, they just want to help people glide through a heavily bureaucratic system. there was an investigation that was going to be taking place. Unreal hate!

  2. I think it might be time to stop with the “only chalav yisroel” and “paas yisroel” bullying. Why should we award these heimishe companies for taking advantage and abusing us? Many who are makpid, are all for show/theater anyway. They are petrified of what the shadchanim and potential mechutanim might say. Same with the white shirt and triple filtered flipphone.

  3. Not exactly rock bottom, just less overpriced. Don’t come here from chutz la’aretz for bargains. Basically everything is more expensive than in the US, including Israeli products. Yes, believe it or not, products including dairy are cheaper in the US, despite shipping, than what we pay locally.

  4. Sh! Don’t advertise this lest Yvette Liberman cause them to close them as he did to a popular low-priced on-line store. He’s a viscous רשע.

  5. who cares about the prices make a rule that in order to be allowed in you have to have yarlmuke and tzitzis

  6. It’s not bullying. It’s dont want to do it? Nobody’s forcing you. OK. A white shirt is not halacha. Go ahead. Wear a purple shirt

  7. Not only the prices. Secular Jews and many non-Jews trust the kosher food with a reliable hechsher, esp. after learning what is going on in the non-Jewish world in meat plants, McDonald’s and treif restaurants.

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