Got A Half Hour A Week?

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Okay, no, you don’t. You’re way too busy to spare that time, and we get that. But what if we told you that with just a half hour a week, you could add an incredible amount of meaning to your day and actually change someone else’s life?  

TorahMates, Oorah’s learning partnership program, has many applicants craving even a spark of Jewish connection. You have the power to give them that. (And for those in need of some extra encouragement, all volunteers who sign up between April 15 and June 15 will be entered into a raffle to win a free trip to Israel.)

By design, TorahMates is geared to fit anyone and everyone. Oorah’s talented and dedicated TorahMate coordinators spend hours each day speaking with volunteers and applicants alike, first creating and then overseeing partnerships. They are there for you throughout the process, guiding participants towards a meaningful and worthwhile relationship. 

And considering the investment of just a half hour a week, the reward and dividends are immeasurable. “I feel privileged to do real harbatzas torah,” Pinchos relates. “There’s nothing like knowing you are making a real difference.”

Men and women just like you make time for this special project in their life, and they couldn’t be more grateful that they did. The questions are stimulating, the conversation is easy, and the schar is inestimable. “I have two TorahMates. I have gained a dear friend. And I am inspired to see someone who loves to learn and grow in Yiddishkeit,” Sara says. 

In a half hour, you can impart wisdom, communicate hashkafos, and even build upon your own knowledge. TorahMates evolve into chavrusos, as you share, learn, and grow together. “It isn’t like learning in school,” Mrs. Silky Pitterman says. “I understand things in a totally different way.”  

As one TorahMate volunteer, Betzalel Sochaczewski, so aptly put it, “I signed up for Torahmates as a way of doing what I can to stop the bleeding of assimilation. I may not be able to go out and do mass kiruv, but I can show myself and Hashem that I care, and that I am trying to do what is in my ability to help.” 

You can sign up for TorahMates at or by calling 1.877.Torah.123.



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