Gov. Cuomo: ‘Ask President Trump’ About Nursing Home Deaths

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First Gov. Andrew Cuomo blamed nursing homes for a widely criticized directive from his Health Department barring the facilities from turning away coronavirus-positive people — now he’s pawning it off on the White House.

Critics should “ask President Trump” about it, the governor said Wednesday, arguing that the federal government actually cooked up the mandate — and that New York was just following Washington’s lead.

“Anyone who wants to ask, ‘Why did the state do that with COVID patients in nursing homes,’ it’s because the state followed President Trump’s CDC [Centers for Disease Control and Prevention] guidance,” Cuomo told reporters in Albany who pressed him on whether he had any regrets about the directive, which may have played a role in the deaths of thousands of nursing home residents.

“They should ask President Trump. I think that will stop the conversation,” he repeated.


Read more at THE NY POST.



  1. Of course blame everything on Trump. Evil democRATs. They cause all the problems. They began destroying New York before corona hit. Releasing dangerous criminals onto the streets and coming up with every gimmick to make life hard and blame it on Trump. If we don’t register to vote and sit by, don’t cry when the murder rate in New York goes up to 2000 a year like it was in early seventies.

  2. Dear cuomo, Should I ask Trump why you pushed through legislation right in the beginning to 1, provide hospitals immunity against “gross negligence” claims. 2, block family members from being with their beloved ones (even with ppe, antibodies, etc). and 3, Hospitals don’t have to keep records of the patients.

    Hospital deaths that were indeed gross negligence were likely a direct cause for the high rate of death in NYS. Now, don’t tell me otherwise as you covered the tracks in the beginning thereby blocking even investigations, thereby robbing any proof eitherway. And no, I don’t trust your word for it.

  3. I won’t ask President Trump about New York nursing homes.


    NOT PRESIDENT TRUMP – stop pointing fingers at others.

  4. Cuomo seems to be a coward. He gave the instructions to force the nursing homes to take in covid I’ll people.So he should shoulder the responsibility. Even if let’s say , it came from the feds , he should have refused to do it , IF THAT WAS REAKKY HOW HE FELT!!.After all, we’re dealing with human life!! So his finger pointing obviously is JUST AN EXCUSE TO SHIFT RESPONSIBILITY, where he is the responsible party…..

  5. Cuomo seems to be a coward by shifting responsibility to the federal!!(easy way out). He should be accountable and ONLY HE , as he gave the instructions forcing nursing homes to send the corona patients back and thereby endangering then and leading to many AVOIDABLE DEATHS. Even if let’s say the feds did instruct to do so , he should not have listened ,as he was playing with fire-dealing with human life!!!!

  6. Cuomo is a murderer. He is responsible for all those deaths in NYS nursing homes. The fact that the media is covering up for him, is very troubling.

  7. Piece of garbage Blaming President Trump for his gross negligence
    Coumo signed an executive order to put sick corona patients in nursing homes.
    Very smart – put the sickest people together with the most susceptible elderly patients
    Then blame the nursing home and/or President Trump or both
    Who told you Coumo to do that? Pelosi? Schumer? Schiff? the Democrapic party? You thought of it on your own? – nah, you are not that smart – you are stupid !!!

  8. I DONT THINK HE IS LYING TRUMP IS also to blame why does he rely on cdc?
    Why does associate with Antony fauci?
    Coumo trump Fauci deblasio are all in it together ,for more or for less.fact

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